SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

#Day 3 Begins! Nobody died… how boring.


  • 1.PolikShadowBliss
  • 2.PurpleyPete
  • 3.NozBugz
  • 4.Rogue
  • 5.PokemonKidRyan
  • 6.Insanity
  • 7.JammySplodge
  • 8.Icibalus
  • 9.Frostwolf103
  • 10.Hippolytus
  • 11.Simon - King!
  • 12.AfterTech
  • 13.fireslol
  • 14.Damafaud
  • 15.Braixen
  • 16.Sketch

He gets it from me obviously

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Hippo is the butcher

How do you know?

‘-’ <- this is my surprised face

We should let fires and pkr speak first

i guarded plex, as i was told

I’m not even playing…

#Thanks though, it said I was attacked by a Dragon Queen…

#Guard the host? Well obviously you need to protect to host XD

#You were attacked by puppies

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i got u, plex
speaking of which, what role are you plex, need to make sure i guarded the right person

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#I’m… Vigilante… <.<

uh, you probably shouldnt have said that, in case there are any witches/coven leaders around

#Alright, back to SFoL reality ;D

shakes violently
uh guys, i think my role didnt change
its still cowardly king

I was jailed

I imprisoned our fairly silent friend.
Slept peacefully

nobody attacked pkr