SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

you shouldnt doubt me on what i can and cant do when i have my heart set on it
and i have said it already, it wouldnt be making myself lose, because there is still a chance that they will stay alive
and my reputation is more important to me than winning
id rather be honorable/consistent and lose than backstabbing and win

course, if you hang me then its your own darn fault that im working against you

I want you dead so bad

I’ll leave it till PKR and fire get here to decide what to do.

as ive said many times, that will only hurt bd

I just don’t particularly know what to do now.
We need to work out what to do for now.
Who are we going to be voting?
Who should be imprisoned / looked into most?
A lot hasn’t been answered fully

I think we need to go for Demon. People who have been inactive/roleblocked. Once Demon is dead and BH is at their cap (5) it will be like 9 vs 5 and we have 0 time pressure. We just need to find the BH leader and then we win.

Don’t we have Butcher?

Fuck I always get them muddled up

Braixen, Fanax, Aftertech all have been pretty inactive so possible Butcher

I was inactive because of travel, i still have done night actions tho when i have found some wifi

So you check out.
We need the other inactives to talk.

Very quick to say Aftertech’s excuse checked out Polik. Interesting.

Oh sorry @PolikShadowbliss I need to talk on forums more often. Have been focusing on the wiki.

Huh… So vote PKR or what?

/vote insanity
pkrs the prince

/vote insanity
have you not been paying attention to what has been happening?

Um, no, I am too lazy to read through all the thread…

He’s a likely fool.

Btw, why asking what happened consider as suspicious tho.

I am sorry for not paying attention in the thread.