SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Nothing is Irrelevant in throne of lies,
do tell why you asked that question

Because I saw someone near my door in this game last night, that’s why.

is there another merc?
because i didnt do that

Yay. Merc number 2 it seems like.
Which sorta confirms the Merc for now.

so we have a second merc, and lymphoma is probably innocent, PROBABLY

Who is physician? Fire or sketch


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who’s the second merc because obviously the only logical option is to kill them

Whaaat why

jammy the only reason we killed your merc was because you were acting susp,
therefore: merc faction=mercs target faction

sure that’s the fucking reason

ignore the fact that you could have executed me and have Noz help the Prince or someone

actually to be honest i actually didnt know why we hanged noz

You hanged Noz because he is Noz.

Enough said.

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Nothing against Noz personally of course.

PKR Wasn’t covered in blood in my result is it normal?

#Game Host of SFoL7 Note: No talking about ongoing games in other games

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wait wut lympH?