SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

/vote Lymphoma

I haven’t been reading much

I don’t care if you’re confirmed BD

I don’t give a shit about your class

I just want you out of this game

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Yes, brotherhood is not able to kill and only way they can win is having majority. Lynching BD is the last thing we want as BD’s.

although you do have 1.5 votes from me

I don’t care

You’re detrimental to the BD no matter your class and a single ML won’t do us any harm if it does turn out you’re somehow BD

ive already said that im not bd king, but i might as well be for how i’ll play

Has anyone else noticed that the average IQ of these forum games has dropped significantly in the last few months.


No they were talking to lymphoma

are you talking about me?
i am asking because if you are i am going to say something that is extremely brag-y if you arent, and i cannot be 100% sure

No not specifically just you, just the crowd in general :slight_smile:


Jammy. No offence but if you’re BD…
You sound like you’re borderline gamethrowing.
Purposefully lynching a very useful BD member instead of trying to do your ability.
If you hadn’t claimed what you did in jail, I’d be more suspicious of you right now…
Still, you’re in no way confirmed so no matter what I’m still a bit suspicious of you tbh especially when you speak like you did.
No offence


PKR who we lynching. If we have noone Simon is looking for a good hanging.

you’re losing a vote by doing that, and possibly getting a bh king, not just from me

I have no idea what Lymphoma is and I don’t give a shit any more

i mean, he could be bh
its possible
but why?
what did he do?

Has lymphoma claimed?

He is confirmed observer

confirmed how?
(not supposed to be accusatory, just wondering)

He saw me visit PKR. He was observer at the beginning of last night.