SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

He won’t choose PKR tho :joy:

i just said that i will
id rather be consistent than win

You have to do what you believe, but you also need to adapt the changes. Changing ideas is not something bad.

but that is what i am essentially trying to do, with neutral king helping bd whole game
its a stupid idea now
but if people trust me enough that i will do it, and they work with me, instead of against me, then the strategy could work
you need trust to bring about change, and being consistent, even when it makes you lose, is one of the best ways to get to trust

Except there’s a decent chance your new BH King anyway.

true, but that isnt the “secret” class
plex confirmed that bh king falls under evil king


Have you used your Day Ability yet?

can maid use matchmake with the king?

I use my day ability every day :neutral_face:

the ‘yet’ part there was important

I think you guys have misread my role btw I’m Observer not Maid.

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The king isn’t compatible with anyone

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yeah, darn was gonna use that to confirm

Ah, my bad. I don’t know why I thought you were Maid.

Can you post your will for the last 2 nights, please?

I guess that’s a no. Lol

Hippolytus the Observer:

N1: Pete leaves his room
N1: No one visits Simon.
N2: Pete (Lymph) leave his room.
N2: PKR visited by Lymphoma and fireslol.

I wasn’t sold on Pete and wanted to catch him/lymph not visiting PKR before I died to cowardly King. He did visit and knew I visited so I was wrong again which is always nice.

I wish Pete was still here he’s always good to direct salt at.

You won’t get killed by Cowardly King until Simon has been lynched.

People wanted to lynch him yesterday but I wanted to catch Lymph. I think he’s a decent lynch now as I am a shit Observer - I got it twice in FoL and literally did absolutely fuck all with him both games which is why I kinda wanna die.

I don’t even…