SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

You feeling lucky? Think you’re a match for The Brotherhood? Well pray tell good brother, how will you fair against us?

This is a custom game of Forum of Lies involving my own created Faction that I have called:

The Brotherhood

A pacifist crime syndicate looking to take over Castle Adiart using skills in bribery and deception. The Unseen and The Cult have been thwarted many times but the threat to Blue Dragon isn’t over. Reports were also brought in of violent attacks on unsuspecting victims. They may have also found their way into Adiart.

All details about my Faction Suggestion are here: [Class Suggestion] The Brotherhood

@Queen_Alfa is helping me Host this.

  • Timer



  1. Follow The Global Forum Rules
  1. Respect the host and the players
  2. If you haven’t posted content in 36 hours, you’ll be prodded for inactivity. However, if you don’t respond to that prod in 16 hours, you will be force replaced
  3. Keep all of your talk about the game, in the game! (But feel free to ask a Host/CoHost with questions about the game)
  4. Do not screen shot any private host messages.
  5. Don’t try to Game throw, asking for Recruitment IS Game throwing.
  6. Please leave us notice if you want to opt out of the game so that we can find you a replacement.
  7. When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it.
  8. The Brotherhood will communicate at night via a Special Discord (Much like Cult and Unseen).


To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]”
When on Trial, please allow the defendant at least 12 hours to post their defence before voting.
After the votes are revealed, the King has 24 hours to choose to allow or veto the vote, if the king does not respond the vote is allowed.
Executions end the Day
Trials pause the counter

#After The Night

You slept peacefully
Someone occupied your night
For whatever reason, you instead visited [x]
Someone tried to occupy you but you had no time for them
You were attacked but you survived
You were unfortunately killed
You were butchered
Your attempt to kill your target failed
Your attempt to occupy your target failed
You were abducted and cannot speak today
You continue to sleep due to being exposed to sleep powder
You were bewildered
Your ability backfired (Pants on Fire)
A mercenary has offered you a contract, do you accept?


Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed

#To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want - 16 Players

We’ll be using the following Classes from the FoL Class Card list:
All Official BD ToL Classes
The Maid
The Greedy
The Greedy King
The Cowardly King
The Mad King
The Serpent

The Brotherhood FoL Class list:

The Infiltrator (Brotherhood Special)
Passives: Immune to Death
Corrupt Officials
Thanks to your connections with officials, you will be hidden from The Constable’s Warrant Ability.
Night Ability: Bribe
You will recruit a member of the court into The Brotherhood. They will start as Initiate until you recruit a new member. - Infinite uses - No Cooldown
Day Ability: Spies
Your spy will reveal to you who the Prince will jail tonight. - 2 uses

The Associate (Brotherhood Special)
Passives: Immune to Death once
Corrupt Officials
Thanks to your connections with officials, you will be hidden from The Constable’s Warrant Ability for 2 days.
Night Ability: Abduct:
If the Infiltrator fails to Recruit tonight, you will instead abduct your target. They will be unable to whisper or vote the following day and The Infiltrator will have to skip a Night of Bribe to initiate your target. - Infinite uses + Only works if Bribe fails

The Initiate (Brotherhood Investigative)
Night Ability: Espionage
You will hide in your targets room tonight. You will avoid death tonight and will receive information about their class type and who they targeted. You can still be checked by Warrant. - 2 uses

The Disciple (Brotherhood Support)
Night Ability: Sleep Powder
Blow a powder into your targets face tonight. They will sleep through the next day. - 1 use
Night Ability 2: Plant
You will stash items belonging to The Brotherhood into your targets room tonight. They will appear as The Brotherhood to The Constable. - infinite uses + Can only have 2 Plants active and Plant becomes inactive when Constable checks

The Brother (Brotherhood Social)
Day Ability: Voice of Reason
You will send a message to everyone as a Psychic. - 2 uses
Night Ability: Sabotage
You will sabotage your target’s night abilities tonight, occupying them - infinite uses

The Constable (Blue Dragon Investigative) (Replaces Sheriff/Paladin for this Faction)
Passives: Unique + Immune to Recruitment
Night Ability 1: Warrant
Search your targets room tonight to see if they have been recruited into The Brotherhood. If they were, everybody will be informed of their treason. - infinite uses
Night Ability 2: Stake-Out
You watch your target tonight to see if they’re being targeted by The Brotherhood. If they’re being Bribed or Abducted, you will prevent it and they will be revealed to you. If they’re the target of Espionage, Plant or Sabotage, they will be revealed to you. - infinite uses

The Butcher (Neutral Killer)
Passive: Unique + Immune to Recruitment
Night Ability 1: Cleave
You will kill your target tonight and will remove any Journal they may have written in. You and anyone else who visited will also be covered in blood and any investigative will see this in any of their results. - infinite uses
Day Ability 1: Clean
You will clean yourself up of the blood of your victims. - 2 uses
Day Ability 2: Wipe
You will wipe blood on your target, this will be seen in any investigative results. - 2 uses (must be covered in blood)


1. PolikShadowBliss
2. PurpleyPete -> Lymphoma (Dead Observer)
3. NozBugz (Dead Mercenary)
4. Rogue (Dead Disciple)
5. PokemonKidRyan (Dead Prince)
6. Insanity
7. JammySplodge (Dead Butcher)
8. Icibalus -> Fanax (Dead Brother)
9. Frostwolf103 (Dead Infiltrator)
10. Hippolytus (Dead Greedy)
11. King Simon
12. AfterTech
13. fireslol (Dead Disciple)
14. Damafaud (Dead Associate)
15. Braixen (Dead Maid)
16. Sketch (Dead Physician)


  1. Unseen and Cult
  2. NozBugz (Dead Mercenary)
  3. Hippo (Dead Greedy)
  4. Sketch (Dead Physician)
  5. Frostwolf (Dead Infiltrator)
  6. Rogue (Dead Disciple)
  7. PKR (Dead Prince)
  8. Lymphoma (Dead Observer)
  9. Braixen (Dead Maid)
  10. JammySplodge (Dead Butcher)
  11. Damafaud (Dead Associate)
  12. Fireslol (Dead Disciple)
  13. Fanax (Dead Brother)

Special Mechanics:
Test Faction: The Brotherhood
If you were Abducted - you can’t vote
If you are covered in Blood, any investigative will be told about it if they visit you
There will be a Butcher

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Are we allowed to join?

If so.


Yes! xD This is signups :stuck_out_tongue:

Need something to do while I eat wheatabix

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/sign me up darling

/join let’s see what u got

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No pressure plex jammy is just examining you aswell :joy:

/Spring Into existence

This looks good.


edited the OP because I’m not helping you I’m playing


Okay /join but I better be demon. I’m not sold on the super passive brotherhood but I may be convinced.

No killing king or ruby in first 3 days or karma will get you, in all future games.

All Factions need a Logo.

This logo looks like humans right or revolution.

Eh. Its pretty cut and paste. Good, but common

Basically we put all our efforts into finding butcher and if we get him with more than 10 ppl alive (which should be 4 nights if we don’t fuck up) we win cuz they have 0 killing power and there should be enough confirmable roles to win like.

I think the starting brotherhood who isnt the main convertor should have some limited killing power tbh