SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

No it is not.

Strong play styles take control of the thread.
Iā€™m giving weak players a chance to have their voice heard.

Letā€™s be honest Seth, you trying mech related stuff

never really ends well

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I mean Iā€™m still gonna do it Tomorrow regardless.

Even if 1 Groupscum is within the 4.
Itā€™s still possible the other one can be lynched.

With 4.
Majority is 3.

Okay but giving ā€œweak voicesā€ complete control over who gets executed does not equal ā€œa chance to have their voices heardā€

Its more like
A chance to have their voices drown out everyone elseā€™s while they decide the outcome of the day

No thanks


Itā€™s for the one day of the many strong voices that get it all the rest of the days.

This is the worst thing I thinm I have ever seen you say.

It needs to be unanimous, all four must agree.
If you do this it could easily backfire onto you.

Itā€™s fuckin true.

Strong voices die before N4

Weak voices usually have weaker reads and are worse under pressure

Weak voices tend to me harder to read or at least less polarizing

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How about we stick to good olā€™ majority/plurality

And dont allow 4 people (who we dont get to choose, but you do) to decide who gets executed

Sound good?
Sounds good

Glad weā€™re in agreement

be yes be the be word bee knees yes

Not only could it backfire but it should
As if they didnā€™t vote you there and you had your double vote you could literally end game in final 3.

So it needs to be all 4 deciding?
Ok then I need to be very confident in who I choose.
There is only 2 GS but will be another by tomorrow.

Honestly i feel like this crappy thought process
And the fact that he wants to use it immediately tomorrow rather than saving it for late-game

Might just be town seth lmfao

Unless I protect them or someone else does.

The thing is though.
Itā€™s only good late game if Town is doing well.
If Town isnā€™t doing so well itā€™s worst then doing it tomorrow.