SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Copy and paste your ISO on them into a word document every so often. That way if you lose something it is a lot less.

I lost an ISO dive before and then literally just gave up for the game after that.

Like a “Fuck this shit I’m out!” moment


wont be around much till SoD3

Real life calling? I’d attend to that first.

I am 1/3 of the way into Centurie’s ISO and I am disappointed… he has a lot of but like no material or anything somehow…

What is it and people not being able to read me with such few posts? Others have done it, surely you can come up with something

Surely you’re not talking about me?
In case you missed it, I put you as a town lean.

I was talking about Wazza and a few others

And who were those “few others” you’re referring to?

I don’t remember exactly, but I know a few who put me as a null for not having many posts

I think Unknown was one of them and a few of the newer players, but Wazza should know better

Hmmm alright then.
Do you have any other reads now you’ve mentioned it?

I must go now, and I will not be there for EoD.



Mostly NAI opening posts so far. Nothing sus or towny here really.

Meh pressure vote, like a little towny I guess?

This as well is towny I guess??? Maybe not? Maybe?

He responds to Jane’s disliking with this… uhhhh I am concerned?

Meh I mean like Jane caught on… and like Centuries has a decent response which is like… grhhhh AHHHH… ehhhhs idk.

His first like actually on topic post I believe, but like it’s still not good enough material

His opinion on Seth’s thing… he is right I guess.

Who’s this Alice person anyways? Sounds like a good player according to Centuries. Something about that makes me think Alice might be the type of good player that can swing the court… but idk, people like that die night 1 anyways.

Oh yeh I never answered this did I huh, my bad. Like I said, I spectated/watched over a couple of games and just noted down what town have screwed up on.

Centuries disagrees with Chloe a lot, but that doesn’t tell me anything which is annoying.

Fair defense… but cmon, give me material.

He actually has like a decent amount of beef with Seth but like… this doesn’t tell me crap… AHHH

I mean so far you have no real AI posts that I can conclude of. It bothers me…

He says he’s gonna do this, but then never scumhunts or shows us anything… the hell.

Uhh I mean maybe? Possibility right there.

People aren’t reading his motivations but like this is his motivation were that something about him being on the thread… which isn’t really a motivation exactly?

He has something on new players I guess??? Idk

And then I guess he’s with the newbies again?

I mean this is a good post I guess.

Actually there’s this. So Centuries here does not think Ans is a target… that’s interesting. Usually GS in that situation would go for Ans to be lonched since he was “convert immune”.

My conclusion: I wasted 2 hours ISOing nothing and my only conclusion is that I am getting a slight towny vibe from them… so like null-town? Maybe don’t lonch today actually…

Anyways I am tired… ISOing is getting kinda pointless at this point, I am getting is nothing really

Not really, but I should be sleeping. I will be on before EoD tomorrow though

Have a good night sleep.


Who is in the execute pool from the pov of the 4 voters?

I got sidetracked with minecraft real life and didnt do what i wanted before getting in bed :upside_down_face:

So i’ll try to wake up early and be around for SoD

This was Mode though I’d also recommend Blizer as well seeing that they’ve been coasting all of D2.

I’d also have something to say about Magnus if it weren’t for his bleed claim, though I’m down with healers proving themselves on Magnus tonight for mech confirmation.

Okay so

Am going to make an assumption and say that Blizer is very likely not going to show up by EoD

And i dont know if we kill this slot for not existing

This is getting into angleshooting territory and shit but

Think we explore other options