SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Well I have a feeling blizer simply not there.
It’s almost as though something happened N1 (conversion?) resulting in them mentally checking out.
In any case I’d like to see that slot resolved one way or the other.

Im mostly fine with a Blizer execution

I just

I dont really like the idea of killing someone who hasnt defended themself

Yeah except unless they log on soon, that’s the most likely outcome the way things are going.

I know part of why people were against a Wazza lynch was that it gave us little information, I don’t think Blizer gives us much in that department either.

I wouldn’t mind casting a vote there but I’ve already complained enough about this trial shit.

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I mean except for PKR, Traveler, 101 and Jane no one can vote.
So yeah I’d like to see more talk from those 4 on who should be voted out.

I put highway in my PoE as a nullread because I have mostly forgotten what they have said - as their voice has been drowned out by others, and everything i do remember them saying i believe could come from scum too.
So heres a re-eval

I’ll be honest and say that when I saw this post, I was too lazy to go find all the post numbers being referenced
But i just went through them and i found that the posts they saw as weird, i saw as weird too
Issa good look

I disagree with this
At this point in the game, Blizer hadn’t posted a single read other than his “reads” on Centuries’ and PKR’s openers
And there was no conclusion to the Centuries analysis, just that Centuries seemed weird

I’d love to hear what you consider “content that doesnt suck” from Blizer before this point

I actually felt this way about this slot for a while as well - that none of their content isnt fakeable as scum.

What i do like is that every post they have made seems to have a purpose- and there isnt pointless fluff. They also are providing new takes without fear.

I do like that his RT had reasoning and it doesnt seem fake as shit. Its easy for scum to bullshit RTs and pretend to get things out of it - but he admitted the information isnt useful atm rather than coming up with a BS conclusion like most scum would

I think this looks good
I am curious if he finds the reaction useful now

This quote doesnt mean much in particular, but reading it reminded me that I like the fact that they are asking for macro reads on slots, and providing macro reads of their own
Feel like scum usually push on a few posts from townies that could be seen as scummy, rather than saying how it makes sense in the grand scheme of things

TLDR: scum usually focus on micro reasons to push townies. use of macro is a good look imo

Oh nvm this is literally the next post LMFAO

I like that they tried to get me to view arete from a different perspective

This is probably NAI - but i did appreciate it. Made me realize i wasnt looking at the bigger picture

I didnt actually notice this about TBE before they said it
And now i start to see it too

I like that they are coming in with unique takes and havent sheeped consensus like… at all?

I like this slot
I had my doubts

But yeah
I like it

Solid Townlean
Want em to keep it up

Also i just noticed this is about to send as a reply - but im lazy
Reply it is

I’m probably going to sleep soon

does anyone actually care if I show up to EoD to neut at people, or not really

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You see Wazza is trying to help town after being pressured.
Blizer on the other hand? Nope.
Need I say more?

Time for tired chloe to eval math/tbe


Literally every single read is hedge
There are no conclusions

This is completely unnecessary
There was no point saying this

This is probably a shitty point but
The fact that they are using terms like NAI, SR, AI, etc, without asking for definitions, shows that they have enough FM knowledge that i dont think i should brush off the hedge as newbtown

This is all i got out of math’s ISO
everything else is NAI or I didnt think it was important enough to include

I hate this iso
Theres literally nothing good in it
By EoD i had a scumlean on this slot

Yo whats yo meta
Next post:
Meta bad

Also this question seemed useless
Curious what he got out of it

I dont like that he felt the need to say this
Just do it
It feels kinda self-aware
Why do you need to tell us youre doing this

I agree and agreed with this take

I did agree with arete that this post makes them unlikely W/W
But after reading through his ISO
He spelled her name right earlier
This could 100% be fake lmao

In WoW i spelled Genn as Glenn as a bullshit way to distance myself from LW

He dropped the vote and outted the RT after an hour
Thats not that long lmfao

Im gettinf exhausted so i need to stop
I cant think properly and it wont help anything to continue rn

Atm i have weird vibes from this slot
Just from the things i quoted above i have this in the null-zone with a slight scumlean

I like that hes been active in thread but i dont think activity is AI for him

I’ll finish this later

I personally dont care

You do you boo

What interactions do you believe we get out of a Blizer execution if he flips scum

If you were to ISO Blizer right now who could you see as a potential scumbud with them if they flipped W

Yes this is pre-flipping
But im curious

Do keep in mind that you should not use this as a basis for scumreadkng anyone

Because we dont know what blizer will flip

In fact i probably shouldnt have asked this at all

Dont preflip

Just remember that Blizer hasnt done a whole lot of anything, so its hard to find interactions - distancing and agenda and all that - if he flips W

But ye
A wolf out is a wolf out

It doesn’t help that only 4 people can vote to execute anyone, so wagonomics is out the window for D2. So I’d look for anyone who tried to soft/hard defend Blizer for associations.
Otherwise it kinda sucks we don’t have wagonomics.

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Also you reminded me that i wanna re-eval Seth and try to figure out if hes a dumb townie like i expect
Or if hes just a wolf

Wish i had more energy or i’d do that right now
But it isnt a priority since hes king and we arent killing him today

But i think everyone should do some analysis on the slot

Sure that can be done. Though as I said before, EK is never 1st priority and we should be concentrating on finding the group scum and NK. If game hasn’t ended after the evils are dead, then we vote the King er I mean Lord out.
ToL experience coming in here.

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Just… whoever gets the most “votes”.

Like how this day should’ve gone.

I like what Wazza has done recently, so I want to execute within Blizer/TBE rn.

/Unofficially Vote Blizer

Eh put me unofficially on blizer

Centuries isnt gettin anywhere

I still dont think Blizer is showing up by EoD
But it’d be cool if he did

Do ya need me for anything rn or can i do the :zzz:


Imagine if PoE actually cared about getting out of it.

Don’t think so?

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Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Wazza Emilia, Arete, TheBlueElixir, EightySecond 4/10
Blizer PokemonKidRyan? , Anstreim, UnknownTraveler? , Jane, Chloe 5/10


Can you please pop-in to vote whoever is top wagon (Hopefully Blizer) at that time?

I’m going to /Unofficially Jettison Blizer @Jane

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