SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

i mean

I had idea

id rather share idea>not share idea

whether im actually going to do it is a lot more eh but Id rather be in a position where I can just say my thoughts

Im putting this in thread for if i die and my logs are fucked

Think its okay to be a little safe with that :upside_down_face:

and also

no, I didnt do that

it doesnt mean I havent done anything?

I never said you havent done anything

Im saying that you put an idea into thread that could be incredibly useful for solving based on interactions
And you saw other things asā€¦ more important?

It feels like you dropped it as soon as you said it
When normally, if i come up with a great idea that could help gamesolve
I stick to my word and
Ya know
Go through with it

then do it

it was a thought I had and I said it

I said it was the direction to head into

because thats where I wanted it to head; I thought it was better then complaining about the claims

quite frankly id rather not have to backread and mass quote<play XCOM2


Im looking through your iso right now and

Theres more but im running out of time

I just dont see anything that could have grabbed your attention that was more important than actual gamesolving

Then why the hell suggest it


because it could help

someone else can do it

you can do it

and maybe in the future if i had a SR id look back and see

but no, not then

Do it?

You cant tell me this doesnt look like saying things just to contribute
But not following through

At this point weā€™re going in circles but i think iā€™ve made my point

Iā€™ll confess Iā€™m not a fan of TBEā€™s responses so far.
The whole ā€œIā€™ll throw out an idea that I think is good instead of keeping it to myselfā€ argument ā€“ I guess could see it?
But I was actually expecting him to follow through with it on his own, so yeah.


I want you to do exactly what you proposed tonight and give us results tomorrow.

We still have 14 minutes.
Anyone has any thoughts that they want to share/want to throw in? Iā€™ve got a few reminders but I will hold them off for a bit.

you mean looking back

ā€¦id say I never actually said id do it, just that it should be done, but ill have something tomorrow

@Chloe @Jane @EightySecond In case I die tonight, make sure you take him on his words.


I think, depending on Allies choices, and whether or not Seth actually does anything tomorrow

We have Magnus poison king - since hes bleeding out anyways

Theres a possibility that i die tonight ao im putting this out there in case

Also, I will try to look into more active players during the night.
101ā€™s absence bothers me quite a bit but I donā€™t want to go into worldbuilding/tinfoils because it will probably cause us more harm than good.

I think at this point itā€™s mostly the way to go.
If Seth flips EK and Magnus claims the poison, then we probably keep him alive.

Oh also

everyone needs to leave logs

If you die and do not have logs
It will likely be assumed they were tampered with and destroyed

Yes yes Chloe, last minute reminders ā€“ I told you that I have them.

@Arete Donā€™t be hasty with your sphere target choice tomorrow so that we can discuss it together, please. It would be ideal if you got one of the top TRā€™s in there ā€“ I would propose talking with Jane/Chloe/potentially the Highways/Unknown.

To everyone else ā€“ as we all know the N1 conversion was very likely failed, so if this is a Cult game we might not have Eradicate tonight. Still, plan accordingly and do what you think is the best tonight.

Healing (or not healing) on me should be pure WIFOM.

I also want every single one of you to keep logs like someone already said. I donā€™t care if you put a single word in there or not ā€“ do it.

Last but not least: Keep an open mind and donā€™t get too hung up on mech. Like Chloe said ā€“ actually do NKA if possible.
This day was a major waste thanks to a certain King but good play should be able to compensate for it.

Oh and this is redundant but donā€™t out redchecks at the start of the day if you have them ā€“ it kills off discussion. Wait for at least 24 hours.


I can confirm I have logs, and they should be pretty obviously identifiable to be written by me.

I have choice words to the Lord about the lack of lynch today that Iā€™ll keep to myself. Whoever is in Allies chat, please get an explanation for this shit out of him. I doubt Iā€™ll be there to do it myself.