SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

speculation bad


do not lock in the NK as being Frostweaver, basically

I mean couldnā€™t Ans just have been healed?

do people have thoughts on who I should bubble

Maybe me, but give me the day to think

Well, regardless ā€“ all this mech nonsense aside and while we are waiting on TBEā€™s wallpost.
We do have to discuss Areteā€™s Sphere members today, like I said a hundred times already Iā€™d prefer for it to be someone in TRā€™s.

I pretty much expected to die as well.
Which means either I was healed, because I see no other way of me surviving in a Frostweaver game ā€“ or Magnus was killed after being bled? But attacking him seems like a complete waste.

Iā€™m not sure if Bewilder + Dust interaction would work in a way that it would kill off the Summoner, so Iā€™m going to ask Amelia.
Also going to look through the class cards.

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if NK is Frostweaver that suggests that he visited the target of the NK nightkill N1 (unless he was bled by Cultseen)

I should probably read this Frostweaver class card, but Magnus allegedly didnā€™t act on N1.

I do not want to be bubbled. I do not want Ans to be bubbled. i also dont want crich and jane to be bubbled

Iā€™m thinking potentially UT or PK.

I would rather have Solvers :tm: not get timebombed.
Iā€™m trying to think of the benefits of putting someone in PoE in bubble, as Arete might not die, but I also really donā€™t want them siding scum.
I think we just put uhhhhā€¦ (what seems to be) newerā€¦ playersā€¦ in bubble

Frostweaver is also not occupy immune:

So it is possible that they were RBā€™d on N1.

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Guys crazy theory but like what if itā€™s an Unseen game and the Assassin and NK have been trying to kill each other but keep failing for 2 nights now?

I think Unknown would be fine, although putting PK in there creates an endless WIFOM of ā€œdo we attack him or is he going to be healedā€ for scum.
Which might not be a bad thing at all.

Also Bewilder + Dust interaction will actually kill the Summoner, Iā€™ve asked Amelia.

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I donā€™t think this speculation helps anything. The only people who know what happened to nightkills are NK and groupscum.

We have no nightkills to analyze, but I assume Magnus was bled by Executioner, as he was in PoE. There are too many variables at play to know exactly why Magnus died n1.

Lack of NKA means we have less to work with, and weā€™re basically at a d1 - but with votes.

What we should work on, is getting some votes going.

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I would love toā€¦ but likeā€¦ you havenā€™t noticed, everyone I keep ISOing is null

I mean I guess I could maybe pressure vote Blizer

Iā€™d like you to write a few sentences on every person in the game. If theyā€™re null, theres a reason for that. What do you think is NAI?

Give me your reads and reasonings - and we can go from there.

Draketamers might still exist but weā€™ve gone over this a hundred of times, the bleed on Magnus pretty much always comes from town.

Daily reminder to vote with intent to execute ā€“ even if we have one confirmed Neutral, it doesnā€™t mean that Fiddler cannot exist.

Also Chloe, question to you: Have you backread/reevaluated during the night? Any hot takes?

Mainly comes down to either:

  • Not enough posts for a good evaluation
  • Too many NAI posts
  • No posts really stand out/lots of casual posts

Yeah, I did a lilā€™ bit of backreading, but iā€™d like to wait a bit to possibly confirm my suspicions, and look for interactions. I got sidetracked and didnā€™t do as much backreading as I wanted so im slowly doing that now.

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The only people I would actually TL for are: