SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Alright I was confused. Good thing that was cleared up.

Ok I’m going to give 82 a break and Veto them today.
I’ve got a plan for them.
But we need a for sure lynch target.

I say Blizer or Cent

Have YOU been reading the thread?

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I feel like there’s no point asking “Why?” when it comes to you, is there?

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Seth this is the exact same thing as when you lead a lynch on a townie in DGADT and costed us the game

Does anyone have particularly strong opinions on who I should bubble

Right now I’m leaning UT on the grounds that they asked for it

I mean I should be able to completely figure out your alignment by Day 4.

I mean, everybody else has been saying preferable buble me…

And I’m fine with that.
So go ahead.

No you shouldn’t

No one asked you scum.

Good chance that Cent is scum here.

He isn’t playing In his town meta at all this game.

I mean, I get that you’re hinting that you’re putting me in Allies chat, but that doesn’t explain half of the other things you’ve done.

But I’ll drop it, because I anticipate I wouldn’t much enjoy arguing with you.

Yes shutting down the other person’s opinion and you don’t even know my scum meta ive never rolled scum on this website and I heavily doubt you’ve read my MC game or my HPM or my MS or my MU games


so yesterday i started writing this


I dont love having to use meta but I do it almost automatically

…do you think this is AI?

when looking through pings @anon6348071 also asked this

that was one of my first posts - and I was effectively in RQS

I just needed ground to work on

but the question itself forces Ans to look on his own slot which was the point of it. Idve expected wolves to give weaker answers for differences, while V would easily point out something major. Its not all that different from ‘whats your last played game and whatdya learn’, but its more specific.

the answer ‘im not forcing myself’ works. I think its Ver then Wer

  1. it was a way of saying ‘im dipping’
  2. I was interested in what Math has done, and didnt(and still dont) really see the harm is saying it


im not going to argue tinfoils but like

you just argued why a dumb tinfoil of non-w/w could be fake

(particularly because I know im town and im p sure emilia is which leaves a weird spot)

never finished it(though I just reworded some of it now)

the last bit

less. Like 15 minutes

I didnt want to get stuck on it, I thought emilia was town and would prefer to keep going forward>wait an hour for an RT

debunking the last 7 quotes but the 3 points Chloe quoted

point 1 - I think the bleeds are real

Yes, I consider it(1 scum bleed 1 town bleeder) nearly confirmed, sue me. Neither of them stood anything to gain by faking it. I say ‘nearly’ because it could also be 2 town bleeders(and, now p much knowing its a cult game, 2 town bleeders is more possible, but also why would town bleed ans)

I dont have to even try debunk this point because its my opinion.

point 2 - I didnt post that big quotewall yesterday

I fail to see anything done wrong here. I had an idea, that you seem to see as ‘could help gamesolve’(d2). And…from there im scummy because I can put 2 and 2 together? If anyone else said it, they’d be scummy for saying it, if they didnt pour in hours into backreading and quoting? Particularly when someone else already did it?

This point is naught. You couldve thought of the idea. Anyone couldve. And anybody couldve done the quoting too, I lack the vision of why its confined to me, and its absurd that im being read off of this. I also consider the following highly hypocritical;

try reading me off the things you know I did, then, rather then latching onto these things.


point 3 - I copied the quotes first.

to firstly answer the third post; I copied every single post quoting or responding to Ans. How you reached there and went into me having all of the conclusions already, I dont know, but its false. I dont think every single reply to ans will feed me results.

From there, you can tell that there wasnt a thought process along the way, so the second post is naught aswell.

To finally address the first, It was to compile. I could now easily view every single reply, and therefore draw some sort of conclusion for most slots off of that. Id think most of this was clear, given that I said id draw the conclusions in the next post.



give me real reasons.

These suck and im angry you didnt do better, and that people are willing to join this.

I suppose your just irritated that I Scum Read you for only your Day 1. Thus I’m trying to get some stuff from you today and tonight so I can have a better Understandment of your alignment as I can easily be misreading you here.

id ask for myself, but if PK and UT want it, go ahead.

Never said I knew your scum meta lol.
I said I know your town meta and this isn’t it.

Protect UT.
They are Town.