SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!


we should discuss allies candidates.

Someone from Arete’s bubble is a good choice, as it is a big ol’ neighborhood - and i believe its 24/7?

And executioner? Who do you think they should kill?


i forgot executioner was a thing

maybe we give PK a target and executioner can yeet someone else in PoE

my brain is too tired for mech talk and i dont want to fuck things up, so im not going to pretend like i know what im doing rn

we can discuss this later

Sounds like a good plan. Lets not rush it as we have 36 hours to figure it out.

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I really recommend against me being in this all.
But if needs be, I will accept it.

Wasting a post just to state that I feel called out.

Also stop being a dick and calling people out or we’ll do that on others about you like you’re doing to us because of how we play and how we are. It’s annoying and it’s becoming a problem you can keep noticing in every game.

Just be nice, hypocritical, but be nice. Especially since you aren’t giving us evidence he’s scum, you’re just calling him scum.

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In fact if I am in the PoE to be shot, voted or anything else and it is such a small PoE that something will happen to me… then I am going to have to stop it outright.

You all are going to hate me.
I am the Mage who healed Ans.
That is why I was so sure it was Frost whatever it is which at least caused Magnus to die to the 1 night bleed thing.

Basically my will was like “If I die then it is likely to an absolute zero. So do not forget this.”

I could not risk being stopped from healing bleeding targets all game just because of Frost boi. So I took the risk and was willing to die. Luckily I didn’t this time.

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It was also why I said Himiko Yumeno earlier on.
As she introduces herself as “The Ultimate Mage”

(I will not spoil any more because DR V3 owo)


Can we

Not have more claims

Or unnecessary mech info

This was arguably okay since frostweaver

can we stop

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I feel like I shouldn’t even be surprised anymore that people are claiming for no reason.



Look. I was being set up to be lynched, something by the executioner or shot.

The choice kinda was taken away from me or at least it felt that way.

Do you even have a single vote on you?

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I mean I did read you as town PKR, so I would have vetoed against you being executed anyway.

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I dunno but I was not having any of it so I had to put a stop to anything before I felt like I would crumble.

PKR i am sure you are more than capable of getting off the stand, or getting out of being a vig target - socially


Whats done is done
I’m a hypocrite if I push this any further

Where are you getting this feeling of immense pressure from?

I’m fairly sure you have zero votes, all people have said is that you’re potentialy in PoE – and you allegedly have an ability to save yourself from PK’s vig shot!


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