SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Scum so far have 1 total kill and that came from a combo probably, not even an actual bona fide kill.

I didnt have space in my logs

those were my TRs. Ill go through them later if youd like; im not bothering now.

because im not the exe

and they dont have a reason to soft, but I did.


In no world does town fakeclaim Executioner to get off the stand. You are signing your death-warrant, as well as potentially getting the real Executioner to out.

You tried
It was a valiant attempt

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Not enough.

Okay, everyone else in the thread currently, I want to know if you are fine with me getting Centuries to hardclaim. Iā€™m already hardclaimed myself and everytime I talk to him, something feels wrong.


We can let Executioner handle this.

Iā€™ll figure out who to vote tomorrow. Well, unless anyone CCā€™s Condemned but I doubtā„¢ that.

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Bother now.

Especially on the reeval list.

What do you mean not enough?

You got the result of both my actions and you probably know my role

I canā€™t make it any more obvious without hardclaiming and we dont need that

Also reading back I saw something about PK/Centuries being thunderdomed @Wazza can I ask you again, did you dress Emilia/Centuries on N1 and then used Strings on them or?

Yeah but what scum does this?
It feels likeā€¦ so anti-town that it is so difficult to comprehend where scum do this.

NK almost never would.
Groupscum only would if it benefits them.
The only thing which benefits is a jester / fool like thing, which would be the fiddler.

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I donā€™t actually know your role, you know.
All I know is that youā€™re an Investigative role.

Letā€™s focus on todays execution because it doesnā€™t matter is TBE is scum because they likely die tonight. The worst that can happen if that they are CL and pass on their CLness to the second scum

but why not try and live as long as you can?

Groupscum does this if they know they are dying, and they want to out the Executioner.


the executioner knows im condemned.

they dont have to bother.

re-eval list was everyone I got non-consensus pings from

Eighty W
Cent V
PK/Blizer i wasnt confident in
Wazza I thought was just getting by

I unfortunately was coming to about the same conclusion.

TBE never reached 6 votes. This isnā€™t a Fiddler play.

I hate that I think this is a town play.

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I mean you donā€™t have a big pool of possible roles?

itā€™s probably just TBE/Blizer since TBE wasnā€™t (most likely) expecting to be CCā€™d as condemned, which makes the most sense if he knew who the condemned (which Iā€™m like 85 percent sure is Blizer) was

hopefully they have a convert to keep the game going longer :upside_down_face:


PK visited me on N1 and Centuries on N2.
Meaning he wouldnā€™t be RBā€™d since that night wasnā€™t a Dress Up night.

Wait, Arete.

Didnā€™t you say Blizer was condemned? How certain are you of that?

That is true but it is not likely that TBE had given up alreadyā€¦ right?
I am starting to get paranoid for totally different reasons to earlier.

Something fucky is going on.

you do realize

that can get the exe to out