SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Honestly? You should be
And im gunna plop you in there

Its mostly mech-based and your weird insistence on the whole Centuries/PK thing when… there was no thunderdome
But fuck mech
You can be in PoE

I dont have an order. And I don’t want to lie and say that I do.
Most of these people are there simply because they aren’t townie enough to be in my towncore.
However, the bottom 3 are blizer/pkr/tbe atm

And i do wanna exe TBE
Am i not voting him?
If im not
/vote TBE @Amelia
Gives us much more than a Blizer vote

I gotta go
Bad timing
But gotta

‘thunderdome’ = two or more people, based (usually) on mechanics, always or almost always contains an evil

like if Player A claimed to have checked Player B as Cult, they would be thunderdomed, or if two people in ToL both claimed Mystic

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I’d still rather we vote out someone with actual associations, given we’re really lacking on those.

Still, Blizer is a fine execute today in terms of scum equity.

Just let the Executioner handle TBE tonight.

@Real Executioner can deal with TBE. Same as how the real Prince can deal with fake Prince claims in ToL.

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Today I’d prefer Blizer get jettisoned today over TBE to be honest.

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my kind-of-close to finished case on PKR. I dont think ill finish this.

what I didnt like from PKR im gonna sum up to

1 - Pressure/stiffness

As town, just seemed immune to it. He died, never weary of his own execution(even if he wasnt around when his CFD started), and let votes exist.

He now knows since he does this as town, and will try to mock this as scum.

first post of the game is talking about pressure. Its hard to pin what I dont like about it, but

‘I dont feel pressure’
‘scum wouldnt feel pressure’

coming together feels like he’s trying to convince himself he doesnt feel pressure.

But more specifically about the ‘pressure’ section, I think he’s quite stiff under it.

I need to mention when he’s not under pressure, he’s perfectly capable of being calm and a good tone. Grab literally any of PKR’s early posting, its casual.

until he hits Seth. He gets quite frustrated there

Its not stiff though, but I do think its just a personality clash. There are some posts from it in the dump, I think he’s a tad self aware, but it doesnt get too stiff

Some ~Stiff things I saw when I was reading through

They dont feel as casual as they probably should

When they really get under fire though, they claim.

  1. FW(and almost everyone, considering Magnus’ death) knows Ans was healed, invalidating this as a mech confirm
  2. The will doesnt seem like something legit town would put. I have much more, ‘dont push X/Y/Z and re-eval A/B/C’ along with my actions, and while this could just be me I dont buy his.
  3. This claim can also simply redirect PK’s vig and most night kills.

Claiming this under little pressure, definitely the least in PoE, as someone who doesnt usually get very pressured as town, is wolfy.

2 - anything performative/self aware I see when reading through his ISO ill just dump here

going to bold what specifically I didnt like in it. This is effectively a dump, and im not going to go through all of these, but most should be fairly clear. If you question any of them, ask.

(above felt like he was just trying to force his PoV, like ‘X happened, but Y happened, this is interesting’ feels fake)

(the last one is less self aware and more that a player not usually a highposter tries to take more thread control is a common NK thing)

(never seriously pushes UT)

3 - NK focus

PKR has a weird insistance on hunting the NK, which can come from both gscum and the NK themself. Also, he doesnt actually do a lot of ‘hunting’, more mentioning it, and trying to appear as if he’s hunting the NK.

(some stuff in the bleed section)

didnt finish this bit; but none of these are actually hunting the NK, just saying ‘hey be wary of the NK’, ‘we should get the NK’

Literally just grabbing all of PKR's reads. This is fully information i want to compile>a point against PKR
4 - Bleed reactions(particularly pointing to FW)

the first thing he goes to is, ‘it could be fake’

I think Magnus was a town bleed, and that he knew he wasnt responsible for the bleed.

Wait no

brain thought; he couldve been FW wanting to make sure, independent of who bled magnus, that the bleed would kill him, by spilling doubt.

he says literally every possibility, which isnt very helpful tbh.

points 2/3/4 can be summed up and 5/6 can be

what im really interested is that he’s suggesting magnus lying and again pointing out the bleed possibly fake, without really saying why it would be, but also saying in case of FW we should be concerned, without being concerned.

also, town doesnt win off of possibilities. This is a legit case of trying to look helpful without being it.

this nearly TMIs FW!NK

its also saying ‘dont heal Magnus, healers might be bled’!

this is dumb because im p sure healers are bleed immune(unless FW used their second abil…on a bleeding person…), but its FW-y because their saying ‘the 1 in 5 risk might kill healers’, which I think also TMIs that the bleed will only last 1 night. I know he’s saying if that NK exists, but why go far into this if its all RNG of which NK exists?

ans bleed

when he comes into thread after an ans bleed he says ‘its scum motivated’ and ‘I doubt otherwise’

I think this was his bleed. He spends too much pointing out the obvious and not adding anything. Its not, ‘well ans was doing X, so he’s more likely to have bled them’, its ‘I agree with eighty, scum bled you’. Its not solving, its trying to look like their putting pieces together.

5 - His approach to Council

I hate this

this is what lead me to write this

it feels like so much of an NK thing to do, like, ‘Ill vote anybody but my pockets’

its not really being like, I think ans is townier then Blizer, id prefer to vote there

its just

their not one of us so their one of them

was gonna make this more readable/TL;DR and clear up some stuff/explain more quotes.

ill have a readslist out by EoD.

Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
TheBlueElixir PsychoKang, Chloe 2/9
EightySecond Wazza 1/9
an_gorta_pratai ModeShifter 1/9
Blizer CRichard564, UnknownTraveler 2/9
PokemonKidRyan Emilia 1/9

Replacement pingus coming soon :tm:

I know, but UT is so scummy that it’ doesn’t really feel town motivated.

literally what have they done that’s scummy

I am on my phone, when I get back on PC I will case them. Didn’t I say that already?

‘I’ll make an argument later’ is not a particularly compelling argument

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I am partially playing vidya, but I still want to interact with y’all

I’m sceptical of Gorta’s argument that Traveler is evil. Though I’m willing to hear it out in case Gorta is onto something. If I had any doubts Gorta is town, they’re gone now. I don’t think wolf Gorta would go out of their way to shade Traveler the way he’s been doing it here.

If you read up I partially made a rough draft of my accusation. The basic component is that UT claims to be new and plays like a newb, but makes some posts that doesn’t come from a newb player. This could easily have scum motives, as everyone is clearing them on being new when a more experienced player would get crap for this kind of play

is the only component of your case the fact that you think they’re lying about being new

Yeah, partially, but I think their play is scum motivated as well

so like

I don’t disagree that they’ve probably played before

I just don’t think that lying about being new is wolfy

and quite frankly if that’s your only argument then it feels kind of like you’re grasping at straws

It’s not that they are lying about being new, but that they have made some questionable posts that wouldn’t fly if they are new