SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

My read on UT

This is the first post they make, which could be pre-written/copied, but it looks semi unique in it’s wording. I know that pretending to be newb as experienced townies isn’t always AI, but let’s look at their other posts and see what they could get away with people thinking they are new.

This is first post that kind of pings me, not as much as some of the others, but yeah. I say this isn’t AI because I did the exact same thing when I subbed into the Assassin in SFoL 60 when I was newer. We don’t clear people from questions like these.

They also seem self aware, which is something that I don’t quite like. This pings me as odd because they only said this after people pointed it out.

Again with the self aware crap, this is just off and should be labeled as such. Do I even need to say why this is odd? I haven’t seen newb town say this and I haven’t seen any townie say something like this

This post pings me as off because lolfullnulllist, but could come from a newb townie. The issue is I don’t think UT is a new player and would know better. In fact they should know better if they read previous games and jotted down enough notes to makes that opening post.

UT is just too self aware for my tastes and I don’t like it. You would think newb town would not be as self aware

This post really bugs me, as this is PR hunting to the max. It’s excusable if it’s a complete newbie, but this slot claims to have read a few games and should know better.

I don’t know why this post rubs me the wrong way, but they hope it’s not a cult game and then it’s suddenly a cult game. I know this is pre flippy as hell and people will scream at me for it, but I don’t like this post and find things convenient. This all seems a bit too convient

I feel like I am beating a dead horse at this point, but these posts are way too self aware for my tastes.

Then how does this

go to this

It’s also odd having an almost full null list on d2 when there was plenty of content to read and make reads from. In my opinion this is borderline unacceptable from a town PoV. It might be a newb thing, but I don’t think they are a newb

What’s happening here is either they are getting coached in scum chat (lol pre-flips) or they read up online. I don’t see anything wrong with reading up and this is probably one of my more weaker points, but yeah

I think it’s odd how they are still hedgey on Cent and act like they want a lynch there, but don’t ever commit.

I also semi read Cent as a towny, but I think if Cent is cult then so is UT. I know this is lolpreflip and I wouldn’t rely on this to condemn UT right away, just pointing out interactions that look a bit like possible partnering

This post screams "hey, look at me! I totally didn’t think it was a cult game, so I can’t be cult. I will concede that this is another weaker point from me and I wouldn’t make it my entire read, but from everything else I have seen this could be plausible deniability. Don’t ever focus on this alone as to why I think UT is off and very fake

I also don’t like this post and I really don’t can’t say why, but it’s just off

@CRichard564 @anon6348071 @Chloe @Arete I do think y’all will be the most interested in this and as a conclusion I kind of want UT very much dead. I will not let another Leafia bloom under my nose

No, that was to @ChopChop who still hasn’t answered my questions

also this made me notice UT dropped in activity a lot makes me think they might have been a convert

I want everyone to go back and reread everything UT has posted and tell me that is town.

but who would convert UT?

they were in strong position D2 from what I remember

Were they though? I don’t remember them being a strong voice and instead posting fluff and some very questionable posts. I could be wrong, but I just finished reading that ISO twice in the last few days

I mean them being townread widely at least thats impression I got

What pings me about this is that we think UT is new and they know all of this. It’s not super AI, but if you “noted down what town have screwed up on” you should have a decent understanding of terms. They also made that wall post from those notes it seems. Like I said I don’t SR them for pretending to be new, but for the content of the posts that they are getting a pass for

That might have been for people thinking they are a newbie, but uh I wouldn’t convert someone that is like UT. They were TR, but not for being towny

If that’s actually what you were doing, you wouldn’t have messed it up so badly.

Anyway, Executioner can deal with it so I don’t think there’s much of a point casing it anymore.

I think who we lynch today largely depends on what flip we want:

If we want NK out ASAP, we should lynch PKR.

If we want groupscum, we’ll get it with Blizer.

I dislike that we don’t get much associations from either lynch, but we get them from TBE, at least.

I want to know your opinion on UT

I had them as a townlean yesterday (in-game), although I haven’t really read their posts today.

I think they are at worst a convert (And I don’t think they’re very likely to have been converted).

Please read my post when you get the chance

[quote=“an_gorta_pratai, post:3903, topic:82666, full:true”]
My read on UT

This is the first post they make, which could be pre-written/copied, but it looks semi unique in it’s wording. I know that pretending to be newb as experienced townies isn’t always AI, but let’s look at their other posts and see what they could get away with people thinking they are new.

This is first post that kind of pings me, not as much as some of the others, but yeah. I say this isn’t AI because I did the exact same thing when I subbed into the Assassin in SFoL 60 when I was newer. We don’t clear people from questions like these.

They also seem self aware, which is something that I don’t quite like. This pings me as odd because they only said this after people pointed it out.

Again with the self aware crap, this is just off and should be labeled as such. Do I even need to say why this is odd? I haven’t seen newb town say this and I haven’t seen any townie say something like this

This post pings me as off because lolfullnulllist, but could come from a newb townie. The issue is I don’t think UT is a new player and would know better. In fact they should know better if they read previous games and jotted down enough notes to makes that opening post.

UT is just too self aware for my tastes and I don’t like it. You would think newb town would not be as self aware

This post really bugs me, as this is PR hunting to the max. It’s excusable if it’s a complete newbie, but this slot claims to have read a few games and should know better.

I don’t know why this post rubs me the wrong way, but they hope it’s not a cult game and then it’s suddenly a cult game. I know this is pre flippy as hell and people will scream at me for it, but I don’t like this post and find things convenient. This all seems a bit too convient

I feel like I am beating a dead horse at this point, but these posts are way too self aware for my tastes.

Then how does this

go to this

It’s also odd having an almost full null list on d2 when there was plenty of content to read and make reads from. In my opinion this is borderline unacceptable from a town PoV. It might be a newb thing, but I don’t think they are a newb

What’s happening here is either they are getting coached in scum chat (lol pre-flips) or they read up online. I don’t see anything wrong with reading up and this is probably one of my more weaker points, but yeah

I think it’s odd how they are still hedgey on Cent and act like they want a lynch there, but don’t ever commit.

I also semi read Cent as a towny, but I think if Cent is cult then so is UT. I know this is lolpreflip and I wouldn’t rely on this to condemn UT right away, just pointing out interactions that look a bit like possible partnering

This post screams "hey, look at me! I totally didn’t think it was a cult game, so I can’t be cult. I will concede that this is another weaker point from me and I wouldn’t make it my entire read, but from everything else I have seen this could be plausible deniability. Don’t ever focus on this alone as to why I think UT is off and very fake

@Jane could I have your opinion on this?

The formatting messed up when quoting, which sucks as I can’t edit it

the post formatted better here

Why does it ping you?

Also, I’m pretty sure people didn’t clear them for “questions like these”.

Sure, I can see that. I might take a look at it later.

Don’t think these posts are really self-aware? You can see what they meant to say, it was just weird phrasing.

It’s not fully null, and I’d say most reasons for their reads are towny here.

Don’t think it’s really that self-aware?

I think these kind of posts are more likely to come from town - I don’t think gscum has ever been this blatantly PR-hunting. I see why you think it’s scummy though.

Again, not really self-aware? Like, they’re just going off how other people are reading them.

I’m pretty sure it’s just a joke.

TL;DR: I can see why you think they are scummy, but I think they’re more likely to be town. I might re-read them tomorrow?

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It’s a weak ping, but they are being cleared for crap like that. It comes off as pure and it is, but it isn’t AI

Possibly, but why would they say that if they didn’t know their comments were scummy to begin with? This is why I say they are too self aware for my tastes

There was one game in which I made a super scummy post and did recognize it after the fact, but that was when I made one of the worst plans ever and it almost cost me my life that game. So, I suppose it’s possible to recognize that you (yourself) are scummy. I just don’t like how they constantly recognize that they are scummy, but don’t try to improve, which is why I say they are self aware to begin with.

I can’t wait to see what you come up with