SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Jane and CRich. I feel like I can trust them both ngl

Also who was put in Allies chat?

…sigh. FFS, how did it come to this?
–FINE! Let’s assume that we lynch a Cult Today. What’s next!?

Q: Will Arete get healed?
Q: What do we expect then?
A: Scum will kill someone who is generally townread.
Conclusion: We are wasting our resources on Arete, but we HAVE to.

…sigh. This time bomb is growing to five by Tomorrow. There are 2 starting scum and they have to at least have one convert by now. It doesn’t matter if we lynch one Today; the survivors will still kill him later on if they are not in the Dream Sphere.

How the heck am I the only one seeing this…?

Arete has a healing ability, he can just heal people in his bubble. Also, healers can really just WiFoM between Arete and Executioner if they out today

@Jane @CRichard564
Impress me. Give me your roles and logs.

So read-wise, this is what we have so far:

Could you talk more about Emilia/Jane/CRichard?

Also CRichard is never going to be the lynch today for reasons that I’m not going to talk about yet.

He can only heal one player per night, and he can’t even heal himself because he isn’t in the Dream Sphere! There are TWO people struck by Falling Star; Centuries and me! He can’t save us both, and I refuse to be saved by the ticking time bomb!

Ok then Zone, let me ask you this.
What do we gain from lonching Arete today?

I’m absolutely against your slot being healed regardless.
Though there might be a reason to add Centuries? Even if I’m not 100% sure on him.

You’re asking the wrong question. It is not “what do we gain”, but “what can we prevent to lose”.

At the very least until you start contributing instead of wasting time arguing about Arete, because this is going nowhere.

What do we gain?
What do we prevent?
Nothing, what is the point of lonching Arete if you’re so sure he’s gonna die at night anyways? We’re literally just speeding up the process in which Arete dies.

Emilia is obvious from yesterday.
Just explained Jane.
CRichard I just don’t see him at all that it’s being sus here. It’s not like I want him lynched.

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Ugh… fine by me. This town has been functioning without massclaiming immediately despite having pushed me to claim. In addition, you (i.e. you and Unknown) have been hiding your hypocrisy behind the shield that is mob mentality. “I won’t claim until everyone claims…” what a weak shield.

If everyone will claim, then I will claim with them. Simple and easy.

Yeah I didn’t see the post on Jane until I sent mine.
I still think that Emilia has been more or less fine but this is probably the stage of the game where ‘fine’ isn’t going to cut it.

The point of lynching Arete is to prevent FUTURE townreads from getting sucked into the Dream Sphere!
We are speeding up the process so he can’t take any more in the future!
You are literally making it look as if Arete’s existence is necessary for town to live!

Chleb NKA

Looks worse for Wazza

Looks slightly worse for Unknown, depends on whether or not they actually follow up with it.

Looks worse for gorta/Emilia/UnknownTraveler/Centuries

Looks worse for Wazza.

Looks slightly worse for Emilia, although I do think they provided a reason - I’ll look into that later.

Looks good for Crich.
Looks slightly worse for Unknown.

Looks good for gorta.

Looks slightly worse for Unknown.

Looks good for CRich/Anstreim
Looks worse for Wazza/Centuries/Emilia

Anyway, I’ll see if they share reads with 82 (I’m pretty sure they do on Wazza?) but temporarily, it looks good for Anstreim & Crich (+ gorta but less so). It looks worse for Emilia & Wazza and in a lesser degree for Unknown & Centuries (I will re-eval, although I doubt this is scum).

Good idea

Not really NKA, but everyone should do this.
I doubt anyone was expecting all of these to flip V, so we should definitely re-eval.

Uhhh kinda? Arete is literally holding 3 people hostage. I wouldn’t like losing 3 townies

I said I liked all of them minus PK during Day 3 :^)

EightySecond was null

am i a pog reader now