SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

@Emilia, do you consent on a massclaim?

@Jane @anon6348071
You two have been writing for hours. What the heck do you want to say?

Iā€™d rather not but if we decide to later then okay

they probably hit reply and forgot


Reaction here feels odd. I donā€™t think it comes from scum though? I think scum would provide more valid reasons for being self-aware.

Why did you think you were less likely to be correct this time @an_gorta_pratai?

Scum!gorta would probably more scared of someone like Anstreim, and not bring their attention towards them.

I also donā€™t think they would ask why they were in their townleans as scum.

This is borderline mechanics, but I donā€™t think Scum!gorta would out their visits. I donā€™t believe super much in this reason though.

Again, not a very strong point but I think scum!gorta would say ā€œscummyā€ over ā€œweirdā€ to try to push agenda. I think them admitting to not having any scumreads but thinking people are weird is villagery.

I also think this is more likely to come from town!gorta, as they are slightly discrediting/casting suspicion on townreads on them.

Not a very strong point, but I doubt scum!gorta would be convert hunting if they missed a convert.

Donā€™t like this though. Same with Blizer, the read differs from the conclusion.

As for their push on Unknown, I think itā€™s also town!motivated.

Scum has no reason to push someone most people already townread, especially not on such shoddy basis as them faking being new to fly UTR. And like 82 mentioned, if gorta was scum, they wouldā€™ve dropped it when they realised it wasnā€™t going anywhere. They seem to genuinely believe in their read and think that people are misleading Unknown.

Neither of the nightkills were scumreading them, and 82 was even townreading them, so the NKA looks good for them too.

TL;DR: I doubt that I miscleared gorta earlier and I still believe in my earlier reasons for townreading them, so I think this is likely to be a villager.

Iā€™ve only been writing for like 40 minutes, I just took a long break after NKA.

Bloody hell. Unknown and Ans have been hiding behind the ā€œwe wonā€™t claim until others have consentedā€ shield, so please for the love of the Lord of Death in NUF: JUST SAY YES.

Honest word, PKR is already dead anyways, so why the heck does nobody want to mech!solve this game already!?

Fine. A bit exaggerated, but it took a long time nonetheless.
And all of thatā€¦ to give the arguments why you townread gorta?

Anyway, Iā€™ll probably re-eval the rest tomorrow because Iā€™m pretty tired rn.

cuz it gives important info out

I already gave mine, so now give me yours.
Plus, if you keep playing with that mindset, then nobody will get anywhere.

we can still solve socially

Define ā€œweā€, because I canā€™t do that at all.

I dislike how the thread just died again, so Iā€™m going to go over the dead today to look deeper into their reads and compare them mine ā€“ there probably has to be a reason EightySecond and Chloe are dead that isnā€™t ā€œthey had strong thread presencesā€.

Referencing this:

All the quotes will be out of order, going to add some of my notes to them as well.

On Wazza

ā€œThunderdomeā€ thing was literally a mistake from what I remember, because Wazza thought that PK visited Centuries on N1.

TBE thought he was likely town (mostly relying on mechanics).
Chloe was mostly skeptical on clearing him through mech (which I agree on).
Eighty suspected that there is a chance Wazza is miscleared + thought that if Centuries is scum, then Wazza is likely scum as well.

I think pretty much agrees that Wazza is mostly a read backed up by mechanics instead of social play and he 100% shouldnā€™t be cleared off of mechanics alone.
Several converts (and alts) also have redirecting abilities, and I remember Wazza mentioning Centuriesā€™ softs, so it is possible that he picked on them and decided to redirect him purely on that?
This is also why I mostly disagree on ā€œIf Centuries is scum then Wazza is scum tooā€ read as well ā€“ it could literally go both ways, and I donā€™t see the two of them as W/W.

On Emilia

Have almost 99% confirmation that Centuries isnā€™t CL unless something else happened last night. On Emilia as a potential convert: Iā€™m not sure anyone familiar with her would try to convert her either, however Apprenticeā€™s slot was mostly in the nulls ā€“ she could in theory be converted purely on the fact that sheā€™d be viewed as an unlikely conversion target.

(Not going to quote the whole post for this):

Eighty thought Emilia was less towny than Apprentice, even though she still had some good posts.
TBE thought she was town as well?
Chloe seemed like she mostly considered her as a possible conversion, not starting groupscum.

When I was reading through Emiliaā€™s posts myself, the fact that most of her takes were objective looked good to me. I also think ā€œEmilia is posting is a good lookā€ (that was mentioned by EightySecond) mostly came from me because of that game where she pretty gave up as a convert. Not sure if thatā€™s a pattern or not.
My own take on her slot was that I liked her more than Apprentice, though she did drop on D3.
So the main difference in our reads is with Eightyā€™s, but she herself said that she doesnā€™t feel about it that strongly.

On Centuries

There isnā€™t really much to say and Iā€™m not going to bother with this section much, because I think that itā€™s very likely that Centuries is town.
But just like with all others, the possibility of him being a convert canā€™t be excluded, though I do think that him and Wazza are probably not W/W. The way Wazza tunneled him for claim was pretty excessive? I donā€™t see a reason why they would engage in theatrics like that, because it mostly served to bring attention to them ā€“ when none of them were under pressure to begin with.

On Unknown

(This is in response to Gorta SLing Unknown)

Eightyā€™s and TBEā€™s reads on Unknown aligned with mine (less experienced town) while Chloe was more skeptical on them.
There is the fact that they dropped off on D3 and so far their contributions havenā€™t been that meaningful ā€“ I guess they could be a potential convert. The thing is, just like with Emilia ā€“ I think very few people would consciously choose to convert them unless it was just for the sake of them being an unexpected target.
This 100% needs to interact with everyone else more + waiting for that explanation on why they wanted to be in the Sphere when/if we claim.

Thisā€¦ doesnā€™t really give us as much as I hoped it would.

Emilia have you backread.
Have any of your opinions changed during the night whatsoever?

Also I still pretty much agree with this when it comes down to claiming.
Although Executioner pool is pretty damn small so it would probably be more beneficial to out.
Though, again, I think weā€™d mostly have to rely on Seth/potentially Arete because we have a dead healer.

ā€¦how come every time I play a game, I always encounter a dead thread at one point?

Jane - "Arete's hostage"
Wazza - Tailor
Zone_Q11 - Resurrectionist
Centuries	 - "about to die, investigative"
CRichard564 - "Arete's hostage"
Emilia - "waits until everyone claims"
UnknownTraveler - "Arete's hostage, has a claim that saves Arete, waits until everyone claims"
Anstreim - "waits until everyone claims"
Arete - Oneiromancer, needs to die ASAP
ModeShifter - King

Everyone, come on. There are three sheeps out of twelve players who ā€œdoes not want to claim unless everyone else claims,ā€ so I need more people to push the agenda of massclaiming, because WE ARE GETTING NOWHERE TODAY.

ā€“and if you want to play the ā€œthis is a social game, so hunt scum via social readsā€ card, then let me be your disappointment: I donā€™t need to read people when there is a CLEAR THREAT before me!

The only ones getting in my way are Unknown and Ans, and I need his claim to tell me why the hell I shouldnā€™t push for Areteā€™s lynch! HECK, at this rate I might as well just solo-push for his lynch regardless of Unknownā€™s claims!

I actually have no energy to go over this again because holy hell this is so absurd.
Can you drop Arete already. The chances are that we are probably massclaiming regardless and the day has just begun. You couldā€™ve probably backread on D3 already.


I havent buy I have to re-evaluete my whole readlist basically rn

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