SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Also the thing about the Tailor, if Cloned runic eyed Emelia but Emelia and Cent were redirected to each other, Cloned has false logs in that case

Tailor is the most confusing role IIRC, so…
–oh wait. It just says that Emilia was occ’ed on N1 if she was visited by cheese.

It says that the visited target would be occupied if it is not your other target.
…which gives us no new information whatsoever.

…read op
tailor is not bus driver

Hold on what? This is so confusing, why is Tailor gotta be this odd


So this is what I think is happening
Cloned Runic Eyes Emelia night 1
Emelia and Cent are Dressed Up by Amelia
But like… if Cloned visited Emelia, he is supposed to be occ’ed???

Emilia’s supposed to be occ’ed

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No, this is me explaining how it works.

No, I just didn’t realise Emilia actually claimed Resurrectionist, I thought she claimed a different class.

No no wait wtf AHHHH

so my claim is no way fake

/vote Wazza for not knowing their class properly

forgot to add a " :^) " to the end there

Wazza please give logs, this class is too confusing


Dude, I know my class perfectly fine. I’ve asked around 50 questions in my classcard already about it :^)

N1 - Dress Up Centuries as Emilia - No Deaths - Centuries Visited, Emilia Visited - Both Players Occupied.
N2 - Redirect Centuries and Emilia into each other - 1 Death
N3 - Dress Up Blizer as Highway - 4 Deaths - Blizer ???, Highway ??? - Neither took action, irrelevant.

Wouldn’t that mean anyone visiting Emelia and Centuries will be occ’ed?

Ugh, no.

This is what I thought at first and had to ask questions to get cleared up. I occ the players that are visited.

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Are you seriously not reading the thread right now.
Can we drop this mech nonsense and talk about reads/work out a PoE instead?




I’m going to use my final use of Silver Strings tonight. On who? Who knows.
