SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I mean I was trying to avoid outing that fact to anyone outside my bubble

Fiddlerā€™s only strategy is to get to 2/3 and then claim executioner

I only had to get to 1/2

I actually unironically like Fiddler because it punishes indecisiveness and throwing your votes around.
And the way this game was played was pretty good because of that (in terms of voting).

Blizer was meant to be executed anyway, the only reason he wasnā€™t was because of inactivity.

I get it, but thatā€™s just extra frustrating when I only roll damn town roles. I donā€™t think I would be a bad convert, which is also frustrating because no one will ever convert me because lolnoexperience

Maybe, but as I see it now I will likely never escape that pit

Well TbC was also a reason.

maybe id like fiddler more if it was like 1/2 or something

but they just wont win the way they are rn

I have a vision of what I want to do, but I canā€™t get there because of bad luck and no one ever wanting to convert me

just lie about your info as town so youā€™re already ready to go when youā€™re converted

Thatā€™s why all of this is so frustrating to me


I didnt think it through

I tend to do that with mech bullshit
I think i have a mechsolve, then i miss one tiny detail that throws the entire theory out the window

Why would they ever convert me over someone like Arete or Ans anyway?

If anyone has any questions about why I did certain things I should be able to answer most of them. Idrc if itā€™s going to make my wolfgames even harder, Iā€™m not going to play for a while anyway.

I mean tbf your reads are highly underestimated imo, you just donā€™t hyperpost and shove your line of thought on everyone

and converting people who hyperpost just tends to be better

even if I was a threat they would just kill me instead

all the wolves were in the top 15 posters

this must be a pattern

It was funny.

idk why people put resources into protecting me from conversion

i just realized

@Amelia copied the spreadsheet for FoL26


you can tell cause of the comments