SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Damn, I went away for a while and that’s a lot of new posts that suddenly appeared. I’m just going to answer them all later and get some sleep first, but I’ll get this one done since I can answer it without wasting much time

I mean that was just a post to answer a question for me, nothing else. I guess I’ll say my opening was kinda bad as well judging by how many people are scumleaning me for it.


Time zones are a thing here.
Mind you where is Magnus? He’s Australian and should have posted something by now.

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Might I ask you what you wanted to achieve with these questions?

People might obviously give answers – what could/would you infer from them?
Is this just a substitute for asking for readlists?

Sorry, have we played together before?

Again, UT Lock Town.
Never changing.

Care to actually elaborate on that read?

I went through the thread to get reads and once again I’m bothered by the lack of contrarian takes. The most “spicy” reads belong to Seth right now – the rest is just same. Look at this:

There’s also the fact that we are 700 posts in and there were only two arguably valuable discussions:
The one on Centuries and then the other one on PKR.
I feel like talk about Jane hasn’t really reached any conclusion whatsoever and was just abandoned? Why don’t we pursue it further now – the thread is just stale because there’s nothing being discussed.

Also, thoughts from backreading so far (I still have some posts to check on):
I do dislike the fact that Chloe’s posting has been a bit shallow, but she says she is busy so I’m going to wait and see what else she has to say.
I also really want Appentice/Wazza/Arete to post more, but that’s just a sidenote.

Honestly, what is going on right now reminds me of 61/61.5 a lot – and I don’t like it.
Wondering if it’s an actual pattern or if we are actually doing something wrong.

putting Crich out of lynch pool for right now
they are putting in the rounds in thread and are clearing enough people that I think scum wouldn’t be comfortable playing the way they are
tone is a bit weird but that’s not too important tbh

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Hold up there buddy.
It appears you made a mistake.
I Town Read CRichard.

Uh, this was taken from this post of yours:

I’m assuming reeval happened because of his analysis posts?

Hey yeah

I noticed that Seth was king and wanted the link so i could read back on his EK game for comparison
I also wanted it because I remember how you acted in SFoL 61.5 and wanted to compare it to regular 61

I didn’t actually get a chance to do this though
I’ll probably do it overnight

Also Seth’s activity in 61 could be summarized with “He made 5 posts during the day, picked suboptimal Allies when we told him not to, then posted a wall that was IIoA when we asked him to ISO people”.

Which isn’t quite what is happening here imo, but make conclusions for yourself.

Still want his explanation for that Unknown read though.

Also i
dont feel like what i’ve said has been that shallow?

Then again a lot of my ISO rn is over the difference between T/T and not-W/W and including Jane in a non-W/W interaction

I guess i just dont know what else to do with this day

Just doing what feels right

Ans feels like they are posturing a lot in regards to their reads
Despite posting a lot of things that ‘might’ move thread forward, none of these things actually push thread forward

You’re asking these questions and yes, you get responses to them
Where is all of his heading
You are concerned, but what’s your conclusion


Jane including Seth*

Into the reads and notes.

My conclusion is that something is lacking in the thread and once again I’m unsure what it is or how to fix it, but I am and will keep trying to remedy that.
The next logical step is to engage with people closer and try to discuss their opinions more – which is what I’ve been trying to do.

Also, could you explain more what you meant by:

Do you think my takes read ‘fake’ or?

my definition of posturing is that you’re changing your own reads and worldview to match what other people think
your reads, while you have a lot, are pretty consensusy
and with how you’ve interacted with people (I’m pointing to specifically when you interacted with jane/arete the way you did), it comes off as appealing to those people

and to me, who has played a lot of fm
I feel like you’re appealing to me because I do have some stances that disturb the shit

other players might be doing similar things
but I think you would be able to do better

I wouldn’t really say that I’m changing my reads to match others to be honest. One thing I noticed is that a lot of people seem to be hung up on Centuries being “weird”, but so far I don’t really feel it.
Otherwise though, I am exactly bothered by the fact that I don’t have much substance.
The thing is that I still don’t have much to go off of, even after re-reading twice – and I don’t think that going into tinfoils or forcing myself to produce some kind of contrarian reads is the way to go. Because those reads would be fake.

Arete/Jane thing was explained before – I wanted their opinions specifically because they were prominent in the thread at that time and I’ve played with them before, meaning I feel a little bit more comfortable with trying to solve them in-depth.

Also, it’s not that I’m trying to ‘appeal’ to you – I just see you as a potentially competent player, so I want to engage more with you and see you post.
And the fact that you have stances that “disturb” the thread is good, because I’m lacking ones myself. Does this make sense?

for reference
I bullshitted that reason to get a reaction