SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

If my reads are correct then my group scum PoE is like this.
Unknown Traveler

By the interaction I had with him.
Itā€™s pure town tone.

I disagree.
I think both have a good chance to be GS.

They are good Cop Targets.
As well as UT so people will see what I see and realize UT is Town.

Eyy hello town.
Give me twenty minutes to decide whether or not to publicly claim or not.

Hey Magnus, good to see you could make it.
Whatā€™s your take on D1 so far?

I legitimately havenā€™t had a chance to read up, having come online five minutes ago and having priorities on the forums.
In any case, I can work on reading up now.

In that case I wouldnā€™t dither on this if I were you.

You mean thereā€™s nothing of interest above?

Oh no there is some interesting stuff going on so far in D1. Such as the PKR/Mode interaction for starters. Have you read through it?

Iā€™ve only skimmed about a hundred and fifty posts while multitabbing.

Oh Magnus, donā€™t forget to read through the Blizer/Centuries interaction while youā€™re at it as well.

So you like their tone so much that they are your top TR?
Personally, the main two things that donā€™t sit right with me are these posts:

Also this thought is interesting:

But I donā€™t think itā€™s inherently scummy.

And what of EightySecond? ā€œThey can be groupscumā€ isnā€™t really an answer because it could be said about anyone, and so far I liked her posting.

Donā€™t claim for no reason.

Ya girl has no brainpower atm

But iā€™ll try to be around for EoD
Sad that there are so many lowposters - there are a few people i would have loved to have spoken to more

Tomorrow i will have more coherent thoughts

I didnt think game would start this early and sundays are my classwork days so im le tired chlo :upside_down_face:

There is a reason, though.

Also on PK, going down his ISO:

@EliThePsycho Could you please elaborate as to why you view that suspicious?
Also, is it the only reason you SL Seth? You said you think he is possibly EK afterwards:

The posts where he says that he has no reads are NAI to be honest, I could see newbie groupscum or newbie town claiming that they donā€™t have reads for several different reasons.

Response to Apprenticeā€™s theory seems fine:

Although Iā€™m curious why he felt the need to respond to it.
Still, it doesnā€™t seem strained to me.

Readlist that was posted later is actually a somewhat good look imo, even if it contradicts his earlier claim that he has no reads.
I feel like newbie groupscum would probably be more hesitant to post their opinions like this, even if I donā€™t fully agree with most of them:

And after that thereā€™s not much. Like I said, this is in the upper nulls for me because I somewhat liked the fact that he posted his reads, but I want more from his slot.

Anticlaim still very much exists.
Just donā€™t claim unless you are about to be lynched, imo.

Well, we canā€™t know for sure since itā€™s not guaranteed.
But the setup has it.