SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Would actually be beneficial to us if you pointed them out. I suggest you do that.

Im running on 3h of sleep but i have an obligation to this game so i decided to whip up some quick reads - in the instance i die tonight or some shit. Enjoy

Gorta - forgot he existed. Null

Chloe - scumread. make this the d2 jettison

Jane - I disliked their inclusion of Seth in a non-W/W interaction, but I donā€™t necessarily think thats AI tbh, just felt weird. Their reasoning is fine. Theyve been genuinely solvey. Slight townlean.

Wazza - forgot he existed. Null

PsychoKang - newbie asking questions in thread (rather than scumchat) and providing some reads. Doesnā€™t feel scared. Townlean.

Blizer - asking questions that progress threadstate. Providing what seems like genuine and solid reads. Nothing feels pockety or TMI in comparison to FoL28. Townread

Centuries - opener pinged me as odd. Has seriously improved since and seems genuinely solvey. Not a shit ton of omgus. Townlean

CRich - solving game. Genuine wnd pure tone. Paranoia on me feels real even though I donā€™t think it should exist lmfao. Townread

EightySecond - really like what this player has brought to the thread. Lost of content in a small amt of posts. Providing unique takes without fear - and not using meta as a crutch. Townread

Highway_101 - has a very unique playstyle. Unsure if thisā€¦ aggression (?) is AI - but they seem to be genuinely solving and trying to get reactions. Nothing reads as performative. Townlean

Mathmods - good amt of content for a lowppster. However, every read they have seems hella hedgy. Ive seen them use ā€œunsureā€ and ā€œuncertainā€ more than anyone else. Feels like theyre afraid to take a stance. Scumlean

Apprentice - not a lot of content. Mucho fluff. Has bad vibes on centuries and jane. Doesnt seem afraid in thread - but not enough content rn. Null

UnknownTraveler - hyperposting more than me somehow. However a lot of this is game-related content. Tone feels genuine. Their response to the whole W/W fiasco felt real. Even after saying non-W/W is not the same as T/T, they stuck to their guns. Townlean

PKR - bruh idk. First post feels semi-performative and gives me weird vibes. Frustration w seth feels genuine, but its the only thing he focuses on. Not enough unique content for me. Null

Anstreim - genuinely solvey. Feels alone. Tone feels genuine. Responds well to questioning by highway_101 and sticks to his guns. Townread

Arete - less content than i expected d1. Theyre weirdly reliant on mech, both sethā€™s and their own. Im getting hella funky vibes ngl. This feels all-too familiar Slight scumlean

ModeShifter - insistence on his bad ability being a good ability seems townie. Thought process is all over the place but he hasnt posted any signaling like expected from ek seth lmao. Tone feels genuine. Townlean

Magnus - forgot he existed. Null

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So over here, this is a clear example of them never being on the thread and being newbish. They donā€™t know the quote system that we usually use and instead just use post nubmers. But then later on

They now know how Seth is apparently and is now looks like they know about Sethā€™s play style and attitude? Doesnā€™t seem like this would come from a new person whoā€™s never been on FOL before no?

Here he says that full readlists are bad, which might come from being newby right? Well before that he linked us to

He knows what MafiaUniverse is, so he probably has some experience on another forum but says full readlists are bad?

His answer to CRichā€™s question. He says they are good, which I think was him saying that CRichā€™s reason that they are useful for finding scum via dead townieā€™s readlists, is valid but then says they arenā€™t because no day 1 lynch??? He agreeed with CRichā€™s statement but then does not give a reason for why CRichā€™s statement would not work but then still says they are useless? So which is it? Useful or not?

He also calls out lowposters which is fine, trying to get more people to post, there is nothing wrong with that but then the funny thing is, at that point, he had only 32 posts, which means he would also be in those lowposter territory. Seems hypocritical no?

Anyways, looks like we are running out of time, Iā€™ll explain more tommorow

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Do remember tho, I do feel like I might be stretching some things on this

Probably wonā€™t be able to dive deep into this in 9 minutes, but I want to discuss this more tomorrow + let 101 reply to this as well.
Giving your opinions/thoughts to the thread is generally beneficial imo, I already said so before.
If you think that you noticed something that others did not ā€“ point it out.

Why do i feel like we have an arete strigboi game again

Does strigboi exist here

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oh interesting

Actually no, I might be able to fit this into 7 minutes.

Disagree on the newbish part completely ā€“ the vibe I got from 101 is experienced player. Not using quotes/using post numbers isnā€™t really something that stood out to me, Iā€™ve seen a plenty people alternate between quotes and numbers.

Sethā€™s meta was already actively discussed by that point iirc, donā€™t see anything suspicious with them pointing it out.

There are several reasons/opinions on why full readlists are ā€˜badā€™, Iā€™ll let 101 explain it on their own but itā€™s not really something that I would expect specifically from a newcomer. Probably NAI.

Tl;dr, what I understand is:
CRichard says full readlists are useful.
101 says they are conditionally useful (if thereā€™s D1 lynch), otherwise not.

I would argue that if you compare 101ā€™s/Apprenticeā€™s post thereā€™s a very noticeable difference.
The difference is that 101ā€™s posts have all been on topic/contained content.

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We have 3m i think


Is it bad that everyone online at EoD is townie to me
Something feels super off this game

Are wolves just

Not posting

Remember to fill out your logs and backread during the night.

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no u

App feels similar to his WoW FM game a bit tbh, but

idk truly. Hes someone im waiting to read more going into next day and what he does

TLDR: hes null to me, and he hasnt really done anything to note outside of his tinfoil

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End of day is coming, before I die if that happens

Take the panda, that is all

And with that, Day 1 has ended and Night 1 shall begin. It will end at 2020-07-07T16:00:00Z. Please submit your actions within your class cards. The deadline for night action submissions is an hour before SoD.

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This topic was automatically opened after 22 hours.

The deadline for night action submissions has been reached and they will now be processed.

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As everyone begins to wake up and enter the courtroom, many people fear the unthinkable. That somebody was killed!

That never happened, oddly enough

Night 1 has ended and Day 2 will now begin. It will end at 2020-07-09T16:11:00Z. Nobody died last night. With 18 players alive, majority is 10. If you received no feedback, you slept peacefully. You may now post.

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