SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Alright so Seth actually submitted them.
That’s all I wanted to know.

You still haven’t answered my question – why did you do what you did yesterday.

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Yes… it probably wasn’t the best idea for me to be there, but hell we got so much crap done, we are like 6000 steps ahead

Also PKR, do you have any new thoughts/reads? Didn’t quite get to interact with you much yesterday.

because my class is very confirmable if you get lucky but predicting who’s likely to visit you is hard

so I requested that someone publicly commit to visiting me in order to be able to do the self-resolve thing faster

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I think it’s mostly this, Anstreim.

I think this explains why they did that.

Am I correct, Arete?

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Did someone visit you?

My issue with your plan is the fact that you should be competent enough to ‘confirm’ yourself socially.
Relying on mech that early (which isn’t even 100% reliable to begin with if this is a Cult game) isn’t really something I’d expect from you.
But then again, last game we had you basically outed yourself in a similar manner, so it’s not like this is something new.

Don’t agree with your decision whatsoever here, but I want to stop talking about it.

If anyone was sentenced by the executioner who is not Arete

Please let us know


I’m skeptical of the d1 almost-hardclaim

Arete Claimed to be Jailed by Exeutioner, no one could visit them if thats the case.

Chloe I think it’s pretty obvious that faking Executioner’s Sentence is, well, a death sentence.

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Doesn’t that kinda mess with plans?

And the only time I think it would be beneficial to fake it is the time when you should not be outing it.


Do not care

Arete has done things before that seem like “death sentences” and slipped away

So yeah

If you were jailed or whatever
Out it

New ones? No, I did not reevaluate during the night.
I am trying to juggle FM games with irl stuff so night time to me is like Herd focus on IRL stuff time.

I remember I liked Chloe and Jane.
Centuries disconcerted me because we agreed too much, but after thinking about it I kinda like it.
I still think Seth could be scum but the fact he used the ability and UT is not saying much more, it is making me try and think things through deeply… like, why wait? What is the purpose?

I know tinfoils are not great but PKR Paranoia has started up.

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I’m assuming they had Condemnation used on them, not Hasty Sentence.
Else Jane’s visit would fail from what I understand.

only Hasty Sentence/Execution prevent visits

Hmm? PKR, you don’t need to know much more, I’ll just say we have a bunch of things ready, we are definitely ahead unless Seth is EK or something

Except no one is ever going to clear them off of it.
At the very least I hope that no one will, because it literally tells us nothing.

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Which… I have thought he is.