SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

what are your thoughts rn

On what subject do you want thoughts on?

players aligment

So no one died N1? That seems to indicate group scum is cult because there should be at least 1 death because of Assassin/NK if this were an Unseen game.

I think that Seth is likely EK, considering:
His choice to use Trial by Council d2 (which has not followed through, maybe due to his abcense)
His choice to use Allies on Wazza
plus the fact he hasnā€™t talked AT ALL today when heā€™s probably awake (idk his timezone but he was active around this time yesterday, althought that could just be chalked up to IRL issues (which is likely))

Personally, Iā€™m fairly certain itā€™s a cult game.

I note that Wazza and Traveler were in Allies chat. Dunno why I wasnā€™t in allies chat as I was town read by Mode D1 correct?

At this point I donā€™t think Arete is lying about being condemned by the Executioner. Thatā€™s a good way to get executed for lying.

Iā€™ve been busy irl and had low motivation to play anything on the forums. Not to mention in DGADT I had Apprentice motivating me and giving me a reason to play the whole way through and in JOAT9 I lost motivation almost instantly, everytime I entered the thread I felt it just disappear.

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I was townread too but not in there.
Then again Seth isā€¦ questionable.

Thatā€™s quite understandable.

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would u vote them?

Had they not been the King, yes.

what are the reasons for these

True Seth is odd though as I said before, lets kill group scum and NK first then we deal with Seth if the game isnā€™t over after theyā€™re dead.

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Do we have, like, ANY clue who the GS are right now?

Well no one has outed a red check as of now. Though here red checks donā€™t get outed until about half of the day is over.

Noā€¦ which is why I voted Seth.
I think it was a fair thing so we can hold out for info to get the scum.
We cannot risk killing 1-2 members, letting them convert and then going again.
Pick off the solo bad things first.

Aka NK and EK.
Or if the groupscum leaders do not come back then kill them too.

Thatā€™s quite the reasoning. If nobody outs any important info, then Iā€™ll probably keep this on Seth.

/vote ModeShifter

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Besides, groupscum have a cap.
So if we are playing against the Unseen, it is really hard for them to kill their own members, so we will be preventing conversions and if we are playing against the cult then we force them to out themselves to convert again.