SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

It isnt performative
And I dont believe you when you say you wouldnt kill someone over a vague lean

So far im the only one to directly push you
So yes of course im anxious

I voted you not much later
But after explaining everything i was trying to explain

Much later would be like

It was minutes

It seemed like fishing
And i think you wouldnt normally out that info? It - perhaps unintentionally - caused 2 people to be pretty much clear from being Executioner
Which i didnt think about until after I spewed myself as non-executioner
Its something that seems pure on surface-level but could be malicious underneath - which is the vibe i got

Im saying previous games dont matter with you
And you know that

You never put a reason for your vote
You just voted
And you never asked the question again
Someone else did

My read is real and i do believe in it

my vote was a direct reply to a post where he explicitly refused to explain his reads

context matters

It doesnt show as a reply to me

Just a naked vote


Whenever I come into the thread I see stuff I don’t really feel anything about lol

I think Chloe is fine for now

Arete, I agree with most of what is said I’d like to see more of how people interact with the slot than the play itself?

Also why didnt YOU ask wazza the question again

Or make him answer?

Emilia did it before you voted Wazz

You kinda asked the question and didnt make sure he followed through with an answer

Talking about that. I’m here to explain any reads now since I got time.

I dont know what to make of Arete’s responses to me because it feels disingenuous

My read is not fake
And i DO believe in it


I think I figured out how to explain the first part of my read in a way that doesn’t suck

Why would Arete ask Wazza twice if Wazza already stated that they aren’t gonna give them an answer?


when you call someone a ‘townlean’ or a ‘scumlean’ what level of confidence is implied in that read

as, like, a percentage

Chloe, the thing is, Arete’s vote kinda worked since it got me to come back to the thread to tell y’all that the reason I’m not posting it is that I didn’t have time to post it.

It depends

I really only put people as townread/scumread when im 95-100% sure in it

So like
Anywhere up to there

I made my dission.
I also think Wazza is scum based on the fact he failed to do anything in Allies Chat and Blanetly admitted he was a bad choice and they I shouldn’t have picked him.

I take read seriously

Perhaps too seriously

But i take it seriously

uh oh

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I think that somewhat negates the weird performativeness of the ‘probably’ in ‘probably going to die for this’

You’re finally back!

Now explain all the questions.
I’ll try and find them if you ask.

Well yes.

Literally everyone can say that I was a bad choice lmao.

This was a good post tonally.
Got discussion flowing (Even if I only answered it today

Also said a simple thing but it is questioning Seth.
And in the following post Arete said the purpose of this post was to try and make Seth reconsider using the 4 person execution thing.
Which I liked since it had logical progression from a town perspective.

Despite the fact it was a sort of claim, it was not a hardclaim and I do not see Wolf!Arete doing thing as they could be targeted by whatever that NK is who cares about claims.

These are a few only but it shows where I am liking Arete from.
I do not think W!Arete does all this but I could be mistaken because Arete overall is good at any faction.