SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Magnus… claimed?
That is not a good thing…
Also I know there is something which can fake bleeds so we need to consider if it is real or not.

Well it’s possible Magnus fake claimed bleed, though that isn’t the most likely world we live in as far as I’m concerned due to how Magnus played before claiming the bleed D2.

I mean, he did give an explanation for his supposed intention to claim on D1, but I’m not a fan of it. Also he has a way to potentially self-resolve™ if he uses Dust, which makes me doubt his claim a little bit less since there’s little merit in faking it as scum.
If the Lord doesn’t die/dies and is town-aligned, and Magnus is still alive – that would be a death sentence.

Pretty sure that the bleed is real by the way, and comes from town most of the time.

Could you go deeper into why? He’s kinda in my PoE but not really a SL. Do you think Blizer is fine?

It doesn’t make much sense for him to fake it here imo.

Which is what I was pointing out earlier to PKR. As far as I’m concerned, any world where Magnus isn’t bleeding for real, all I’ll say I doubt he’s faking it. Anyway I need sleep. Getting hard to think here.
Good day/night everyone.

Something about Centuries is bugging me, I’m not sure whether it’s his posts or his recent behaviors, but something feels off about them, I can’t say for sure though. Blizer I guess? I mean Blizer is also down with all my other null reads so I guess he’s fine.

There are a few things that can be true.

  1. Executioner bled
  2. Draketamer bled
  3. Assassin bled
  4. Dracorider bled (Draketamer Unseen convert)
  5. Cult Leader bled
  6. Cult alts such as Rite of Ascension. Or other cult abilities.
  7. Worshipper bled. I doubt this is the case.
  8. Fiddler fake bled. Hence why I said about fake bleeding.
  9. Frostweaver bled. If this is the case we have to be super careful whether we heal Magnus or not.
  10. Magnus lied

I’m getting the same feeling I was getting from them at SoD1 tbh, it doesn’t feel like they’re trying to solve anymore. Could be converted? I’ll probably take a deeper look at their list from D1 soon™.

Overall, I’m just not getting good vibes from them anymore.

If I had to pick between Blizer and them, I think Blizer is slightly more likely to be groupscum?

Why do you think evils would fake bleed Magnus?

The only one that can fake bleed is the Fiddler.
It is in the Fiddler’s MO.

I’m pretty sure I remember other classes being able to fake bleed when I read the classcards. I’ll check when I’m done with Centuries.

Regardless, why are you assuming this was a bleed done by evils?

The Fiddler wants chaos.
Also if they achieve this wincon, it could screw us big time due to the passives they have.

I am not. I literally listed every possibility.
From town to unseen to cult to neutral non killing to NK

Could you elaborate on this @Centuries?

I feel like it’s the only read other than PKR that isn’t just parroted from consensus now that I look back on it.

Gorta posts differently as scum from what I’ve read of him

He has way longer posts especially but there’s more to it than that

I dunno about that to be honest I haven’t really read any reads lmao


But why?

Like, this bleed only ever comes from Town or maybe from an NK trying to clear themselves based off it.

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Let us say that Magnus is town.
Scum therefore would have enough reason to bleed him.
We do not know if conversions or anything happened last night so it is not something we can just dismiss and we do not know what scum has access to ability wise.

I do mostly agree that it is likely Town or NK bled Magnus. However, we cannot dismiss Fiddler doing it and if it is NK then we have to be cautious if we want to go about healing Magnus.

As that NK (The only one with bleed) can kill someone and all their visitors. We could lose any of our healing if we are not cautious.

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Quickly skimmed the cards, this is the only other thing I found that can fake bleeds. I thought there was another class, but oh well. Doesn’t matter anyway.

I mentioned this ^^

I kinda disagree on this take because scum would want to bleed someone who is mostly TR’d instead of someone who is in the nullzone.
Bleed on a null makes no sense from scum perspective – not to mention that it can potentially clear them.

I think Fiddler becomes more unlikely with the information we have so far, but I suppose.
Still, this whole bleed/mech discussion doesn’t really bring much – it’s just empty theorizing.

Also @Jane, I know that you wanted to look deeper into TBE.
I remember somewhat liking his initial posts, though he gave up his case on Centuries pretty quickly:

What do you make of it?

I’m pretty sure I recall them saying they townleaned Centuries but voted them as a reactiontest for Apprentice. Don’t think much of it.

I’ve read Cent’s wolfgame on Mafia Colosseum, and it’s pretty different to what they’re doing here. Could be because of low WiM, but wouldn’t lynch it today.

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