SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Alright, that’s fine.

Actually now I really want to be put in Allies with Arete because of this

I literally didn’t hardclaim and yall are being nerds

You’ve claimed enough, you’ve taken ourself out of the PR PoE, people are right to “be nerds” at you.

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Did any of you notice a special class that could visit? (King’s visits dont count as visits, so I don’t think I’d see them.)

I am going to try and trust Seth to pick the right people for the allies chat and whatnot.

Dude i took myself out of PR PoE at start of day when i spewed myself not Exe by not knowing arete was condemned over sentenced

We’re way past that

its stargazers, converters and stargazer converts

…but ans is not converted

Playing dumb as the PR to “take yourself” out of the PoE and hardclaiming to not be the PR are two very different ballparks.

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I think I get what chloe’s getting at now.
I found a support class that makes people conversion immune.


I think it was pretty obvious
And scum pick things like that up more than town do

theres two



Lord’s abilities do not count as visits, yes.
Can we stop talking about this.
Do what you want to do or what you feel is right.

I sincerely hope protectives are paying attention and scum is not.

There’s two? Well one of them is a day ability so I didn’t count it.

Does this mean I don’t have to ISO Chloe anymore?

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I outted that because i dont want him to use his KP on Ans

And i dont want us to exe ans today


Im in such a funky mood today and im saying stupid shit

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The thing is, you “not knowing” what was used on Arete doesn’t definitively take you out of the PoE. I’ve seen PRs play dumb in Vig/Cop 9/13 to avoid being NK’d, and it usually works.

Saying what you said leaves no room for the imagination.

There’s the problem.

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Who cares

Whats done is done

Leave me alone

Yes im stupid

Huh wait but Chloe’s class can’t self resolve how can we be sure?

Well, now that I’ve sucessfully outed two people’s classes…

What next?

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