- an_gorta_pratai
- Chloe
- Jane
- Wazza
- PsychoKang
- Blizer
- Centuries
- CRichard564
- EightySecond
- highway_101
mathmods TheBlueElixir
Apprentice Emilia
- UnknownTraveler
- PokemonKidRyan
- Anstreim
- Arete
- ModeShifter
- Magnus
PoE are non-colored, and theres no specific order
im in a doo-doo mood rn and have no brainpower but
before i go to sleep im going to re-read the entire game up to this point
also wanna read highway_101 in specific
they feel genuine and solvey but i dont think anything theyve done cant have come from scum