SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Would you still be on Wazza if we had normal voting right now?

I should also mention that town Blizer is more invested in the game.
Here this isnā€™t what weā€™re seeing this time.
I wonā€™t be surprised if Blizer flips scum here if only the council are awake enough to jettison their slot.

Iā€™d probably be pressure voting elsewhere, but I was on the side of ā€œhis posting sounds like he isnā€™t at all aware of the gamestate, so heā€™s probably not Mafiaā€, although itā€™s not unfakable, but it felt real enough. Absolutely still room for him to be a 3p.

If Blizer is a more active player as a villager then I could see why youā€™d be against them for activity, but Iā€™m personally not a huge fan of activity tells unless itā€™s light and day ā€” which isnā€™t very common.

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I had thoughts about him being NK with no WiM but they are pretty much baseless.
Thank you for elaborating.

I read your posts
I skimmed through a majority of the game last night - and before i went to sleep said i wanted to re-read seth because he might just be a wolf
Your posts did influence that
But ive played 2 wolfgames with seth and his activity hasnt been a tell. But yes 61 is probably the best to go off of since he was EK, so imma check that out again. I skimmed it before but (admittedly) was mostly looking for differences in your behavior :upside_down_face:

hey i just asked this too, in my last wall. ayaya

So despite him being in your bottom 3, you think healers should confirm themselves on him tonight?

Im gunna go get another hour of sleep
I had to pee

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I thought there was a noticeable difference but I guess itā€™s just me.
Fair, I suppose ā€“ Iā€™m just saying that Iā€™m not as sure on him as I was on D1.

I didnā€™t really get a full answer about his stance on Magnus either.

Also I still think that he hasnā€™t done anything that would warrant healing him yet which is unfortunate because Summoner is pretty damn strong ā€“ provided he is one.

Oh and

Iā€™d like to hear your conclusions on this as well.

I have to leave for now, will be back before EoD.

For when I get back: How experienced is TBE?

Iā€™m getting some newish vibes from him but also some experienced vibes and I usually default to ā€œif Iā€™m not sure, assume theyā€™re newā€ philosophy; but since I wonā€™t be here to fully review their ISO I figure I can ask now and examine it later.

I think he has completed less than 10 games. Might be wrong but itā€™s somewhere around this number.

If healers confirm themselves by healing Magnus, that narrows down the PoE mechanically.
Otherwise if Magnus bleeds out or is a bleed immune class, we again narrow down the PoE with executions.

Since Magnus is in your bottom readsā€¦
Do you think Magnus is faking the bleed? Or is it a bleed from town?

Also good morning/afternoon all. I just woke up. Got some posts to catch up on.

Anyway I have to go to bed now.
Hopefully we see a scum being jettisoned D2 today.
@Council vote people please :upside_down_face: .

God sake of course I discuss something Chloe already has.

Iā€™m open to the possibility of Magnus being an inactive townie, which is why Iā€™m down with healers proving themselves healing them so that they confirm themselves.
Mind you their bleed claim is the only thing Iā€™m 100% sure is the truth for reasons.

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Funny thing is that his bleed claim is the only thing Iā€™m 100% sure is the truth coming from him.
Oh their bleed has to be town motivated. I donā€™t think scum would bleed people this early to give healers chances to prove themselves mechanically. That is something town would do, not scum.

Bleh I need sleep. Itā€™s not as though staying awake past bedtime will make the @Council do stuff faster.

My man TBE literally did his RT and then retracted it when I was asleep

what was i gonna react to lmao

or maybe i didnt care enough to react to it idr

i know i saw it and went like

yeah he doesnt think that now does he

Hello, I said I would make it here for EoDā€¦ so I am here now yay

Looks like we settled on a Blizer lonch?