SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I was going to say it looks like a Frostweaver game based on the Magnus death but in that case we still have a bunch of missing nightkills

Might be the moding error Amelia was referring to :eyes:


Scratch that, yes it was.

Can I reveal the info?


dont speculate on moderrors


host will do what host does

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Wait can’t nightkills be explained in a cult game? We confirmed that there was a convert attempt on Ans, which means Cult has to convert again

hit us with the flirt i guess

i REALLY wish you didnt say you used it on centuries

its best to wait for lies before outting a check :upside_down_face:

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but there was no NK kill N1

if Magnus died to Frostweaver bleed acceleration then there was no NK kill either night


Well at least I’m not going to out the combination.

You’re outted anyways PK, go ahead

That’s literally what I said yesterday in one of my reminders.
The likelihood of this being a Cult game is higher because:

Oh… now I feel less special D :

I’m really not sure if I should wait until Centuries claims, or if I should out it right now.
(centuries might not claim during the day and that’s ok)



Stop focusing so damn much on mechanics

This is how town loses games.
Be methodical
Use your freaking brains


If you have a check

Wait until at least 24h into day to out it - this mostly applies to redchecks
Unless we are about to execute town and you have a green

Shut up about mech and focus on social deduction


I still want Wazza to answer my question because I’m absolutely against outing more people for no reason.

Eighty potentially has some information as well?

But yeah, don’t focus on mech too much.

@ChopChop Why did you select Ans and CRich for allies? Do you believe allies was useful last night - was there any solving?

What are your current reads

To be honest it makes me feel like no one read my reminders because I literally mentioned both this + Frostweaver/Cult theory in there.
And now we have this.


Allies had literally 54 posts.
Decide how ‘useful’ that was for yourself.


Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
TheBlueElixir Chloe 1/9
Wazza EightySecond 1/9