SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Jezuz why are people’s first idea whenever they are under pressure is to claim? We have anti-claim NK for gods sake

Why do you say this and it concerns me of maybe TMI

tripwire is p confirmable I think

I doubt a cult converted tailor would take it, and Invoker only has a day-redirect, not occ

mainly thinking if PK has another invest ability thatd be a way to do it; avoid more claims and stargazer isnt always great

I don’t.

I already used both of my invest abilities.
My other two are Vig but delayed, and Redirection.

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gonna stop claim talk now

that only applies to the first night

I dont like this post

feels opportunistic

(partially since I was already thinking he was NK and saying someone else has NK TMI for something that doesnt really look like NK TMI)

Oh wow, I focused on NK associated things like the whole game.
What a surprise.
You caught me, so opportunistic.

It was not as if this is the SECOND time I caught UT in a possible slip.

Yes I know because I made you target each other N2.

Well, there was no real reason to claim.
Also even if Wazza didn’t claim, there was no reason for this to be outed? The only time it’s relevant if Emilia/Centuries were occupied and you won’t know it unless someone claims a visit to them.

So what we got out of this was pretty much nothing.

He has to cycle through all 4 like Alchemist iirc and he already said he checked Centuries.
So yeah.

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I missed the first


@Centuries I’m aware you’re an investigative ability.


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Slip? What slip?

Wazza, I just want to know.
You do know what I was saying earlier, right?
I just might need your back later because I am not gonna deal with pressure well.

id say use falling star on wazza and see if he lives

but then theres a risk wazza gets day occ’d or something

and its kind of uneccessary

Read your bolded part again.
What does it say?

It is as if you know what NK there is.


Why would you Falling Star Wazza.
Centuries confirms his redirection from what I get and it’s ‘consistent’ with what EightySecond has?

yea it wont work the second night

also considering you dressed up cent as me my actions are guaranteed to succeed on them