SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Lol no you don’t say this as Town.

You would have said something like the following if you were Town:
No this is BS if you flip me you’re just going to lose another town.

You would never said the exact line “Killing at random”

So let’s kill your slot with Fire!

Psycho and Cent are never W/W with that interaction.
Although I think 1 is FrostWeaver and the other is Cult.

You really think I’m frostweaver?

holy fuck this is infurating

ok give me 10 minutes and i destroy this bs argument

imagine not trying to enact RVS into IRL mafia

…im the only?

I made that case not long after replacing in

id think someone else’d do it, and actually do it more macro then a vibe-meta read



I sniff a coaster; I dont think massive amounts of agenda being pushed, but we’ve got misclears. Low agenda possibly a result of scum having low numbers, for at least d2.

‘but why do you think less agenda and misclears’

This is extremely common for particularly when we lack SRs, and with the low scum numbers in SFoL 61.5 we had the same thing. Just a bit of TvT and no SRs, and we’d be on our way to just execute town. Thread just doesnt feel like scum are in control, and with the lack of SRs, some of which that are still SR’d I think are town(emilia, cent now), we end up here. Its not hard to get from there to determine scum has at least some coasters, who are just letting scenes unfold.

discarding reads,

chloe/Wazza/PK/Blizer/Crich/highway/PKR could all potentially fit there, for more or less either not having very unique reads or not pushing said unique reads very much

Cent/Eighty/gorta possibly, for being less pushy/loud but with their more unique reads.

it is possible ive only put chloe there out of spite of pushing me, but alot of their reads also seem to either be but one of their more contrarian reads(on me) then became consensus. I think that more often comes from town, with wolves seeing it and going ‘ah, yes’, particularly if their in the position I think their in. Wolves probably wouldnt have to push me(even if I think her reasons are lacking), and if they wanted to get by they could focus on someone closer to the PoE border, when I ?believe? I was getting TL’d and going up. I am willing to take this out.

PK is just likely town(claim nails it in), and im willing to take them out.

highway had a lot of analysis. However, its old now and I dont remember anything particularly from them, so they couldve been coasting, worth looking further into, but im not willing to take them out.

I havent bothered much with CRich; I just kinda figured he wouldnt be this far if scum, but unfortuantely 0 attention was ever really brought to the slot. However, I still saw some good posts from them, and im willing to take them out.

then there’s gorta, I think ive already explained why i think their town and they have tried to be vocal when they are around. I am willing to take them out.

Cent im more iffy on as they do have their own takes on players like Emilia and Wazza, but havent pushed their reads very much. This is probably due to their lack of SRs, but still meets my criteria and im not at the point like I am with the others im taking out. Im keeping them in.

Wazza has reads, but they arent that unique and (possibly for activity) they havent really been pushed. Centuries confirms this as non-CL(or totally not starting scum if Unseen, but its probably cult), but not non-FloristAlts!Cult or TailorAlts!Cult. However, I dont see starting invoker picking Tailor and probably not Florist if they expected Emilia to be redirected. With that, their highly unlikely to be starting scum, and at least I probably wouldnt convert him, so im willing to take them out.



oddly close to what the actual consensus PoE is, which oddly makes me feel worse? Its like I messed up somewhere along the line.

Blizer/highway have reasons why they havent moved mountains, and im half not taking Eighty out because I dont remember whether they have actually been pushing their reads or not.


what a game

the people I didnt include in my possible coasters list

ans - he’s simply not keeping to himself

oh yeah, and he was visited by special anyway

mode - king. Im gscum hunting.

Jane - same reasons as ans; he’s being a bit forceful, but I think he’s town; doesnt look much like agenda

Arete - noot

UT - coasting scum doesnt toppost and be that towny doing so

Magnus - dead

emilia - not doing nothing, solving game and showing how they make reads reasonably well. Possibly belongs in the second half of the thingy, but I dont think so.

tldr; ive still got nowhere, but ive gotten further nowhere




on the basis of you having played 3 games with me?

What? Are you even serious right now? Do you believe in what you’re saying? Are you sure?

You’re literally killing at random if you kill me


let me make this clear, I’ve asked you twice for actual ARGUMENTS which require LOGIC from you, you calling out my tone? Worthless

You ignoring me asking you for arguments?

That’s the proof you don’t even believe in what you’re saying you have NOTHING, NADA you’re just making stuff up on the post “gn gn you wouldn’t be saying that as town” ? excuse me? Are you me?

Are you me? Are you actually play the game as my slot? Who are you to use the “you wouldn’t say this as town” argument when you have a grand amount of 0 scum games played with me?

Like what?

I’m Town I don’t even care like I’m not gonna give up because I don’t suck at mafia I actually sign up to play games but

If I get lynched because you decided I was scum over nothing

Yeah then so be it

You know what this reminds me of? DGADT, you know what happened? You actually just decided someone was scum at LYLO when nothing pointed torwards them being scum and then you built an argument based of the fact they were scum in your mind

Same thing is going on right now, You’ve never had me as a null read

You sheeped a SR made by Blizer on me and then actually refused to use his arguments and instead called me out for “tone”

There is no “You wouldn’t say this as scum” like what

If I rolled scum this game I’d be trying, I’m not going to use shit self meta to defend myself but look at it objectively, does it seem like I would play this badly after rolling scum after like 8 games of hoping for it? I would’ve been ecstatic, but nah I just rolled a boring no fun town role this is why I haven’t even bothered to ISO more than like 2 people, I didn’t see scum, I won’t post scumreads.

Once again I don’t see any arguments from you apart from the fact you’re BSing your way into SRing me for no reason and antagonizing me

This is the exact same as when Ici fucking SR’d me in Insurgency I have no arguments to go agaisnt you’re not giving me anything and you’re already assuming I’m scum and let me tell you something

This is bad play

This is horrible

This is horrendous, there’s no word to describe how “Nah shut up you’re scum” is attrocious “town” play

I’m just getting SR’d because eh why not SR Centuries

God forbid Centuries doesn’t spend 8 hours a day playing Mafia for once and takes the game lightly yeah

Nah guess I’m just scum that’s right you figured out the entire scumteam by D2 once or something lmao


It’s pretty amazing where I have to make posts like THIS to get listened to and for people to actually think about my slot

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Centuries and Mode seems like TvT imo.

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he doesnt wanna change his opinion lmfao



id say dont just focus on modeshifter and go to the other arguments

but I don’t remember…the arguments past my own, and time wears



I dont want you to be town completely

because we’re in a really sucky spot if this PoE is town

so instead im going to ask you to eval PKR(you dont have to post an ISO, just take a closer look at it)

because, now, I think id rather be there

oh and

/vote PKR

So you think Mode is GK? I can see that happening as Mode does odd stuff as town, though as I said before the Lord is never 1st priority for town to remove unless the game is ongoing after group scum and NK are gone.

pkr is like


one of my few trs


Hmm you know what? Yeh we’re not voting Cent. I don’t see the reasoning currently for voting Cent. Remember, we are executing people for good reasons

I’m tempted to write off Centuries/Mode as OMGUS from Cent. Though something tells me there is more going on there than that.



where do you see it

Hmm actually something else that’s bothering me tho. I tried to check out the dreaming gods and dreaming titans thing, it took me this whole day to get through and skim read it. Something about Centuries here feels different from the dreaming gods thing.

TBE, if you think I am just coasting then that is fine.
I am relaxed, idk whether that is a vote intended to pressure me or whether it is for the sole purpose of execution but it will do nothing ^^

I do not see myself as coasting.
The only reason I am not speaking too often is I wish not to blow up verbally and to be pained mentally due to fighting what feels like an endless battle.