SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

There are little moments like that sprinkled into their ISO. In my opinion PK seems like the pure kind of new, while Unknown just feels fake.

I don’t know what they would get out of it, but I don’t that slot

Now I sleep

My case on PKR is mostly done, but I do want them to be online when I post it for reasons™.

There’s still other people I want to case after that, but I should probably catch up again first.
I might not be super active the next 3 hours since I’ll be at my grandparents’ house, but I’ll see what I can do.


I’ll post more of my thoughts after I’ve had a good night sleep.
Have a good day/night everyone.

What type of scum do you think UT is?
/Vote Gorta

Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
TheBlueElixir Chloe, Jane, Emilia 3/9
EightySecond Wazza 1/9
an_gorta_pratai ModeShifter 1/9
Blizer CRichard564 1/9
PokemonKidRyan TheBlueElixir 1/9

Please ping me if I made an error. May also do a replacement pingus soon because I still haven’t found any :sob:


indeed it didnt

I had the question ready before I subbed in and asked it

When I got the response I was like, ‘yeah, this looks alright’ and left RQS

I didnt actually think it fully through at the time, and didnt make a conclusion on ans based on that single question

its like most RQS questions; they just kind of exist, im not yet ready to make conclusions on it.

because I know him specifically has played 1.5 previous games, the most recent was a wolf game. No, I didnt suspect him particularly.

wasnt pointless until I decided to end it. It wasnt a great RT, and I didnt put stock into it and

I didnt want to lie about my read on Emilia for an hour instead of just for an alright RT for Cent. And, yes, I didnt vote anywhere else, but I still moved forward by making real reads and conclusions.

‘we should do NKA’ could always be something from scum, if they killed someone that didnt suspect them

it could have agenda. My idea does not have agenda. And take the ‘we should do NKA’ analogy. Why cant town say that, but not have the time to do it, and just want to make sure other town do do it?

also, this is purely an effort read, and quite frankly hate this sort of read, so excuse me if i get a bit frustrated

the point about ans’ re-read…it was quite clear I didnt have time to respond to that yesterday, and I have not seen if his conclusions matched up with mine today, no. I see little reason to.

the three points of

  • opinion
  • not doing quote wall yesterday
  • quote wall first

that you admit(for the first and third) arent even wolfy makes me struggle to believe it

‘conclusions coming in the next post’

so I take it you admit this point is no longer valid

the argument against me is crumbling.


im literally building a case against you now

and then you had this


if your FW youd know he was healed and could claim it


I can continue this



mines not

am kind of hoping it will be done by the time you post yours though


Seth, last I checked you still haven’t built your case on EightySecond. I realize that I’m probably never going to get an answer but I’m going to ask for it for the fifth (sixth?) time nonetheless.

This might be weird phrasing, but why would it matter if you “lied about your read on Emilia for an hour” if you would be outing that as RT later afterwards? That doesn’t make much sense.
Unless you meant it in a “I decided I was going to drop the RT anyway and post my actual read on Emilia so it didn’t matter regardless” way.

Also TBE, aside from that – can I have your opinion on the threadstate right now?
You mentioned that scum might be coasting in your wallpost before but I don’t think any of the potential ‘coasters’ really match. I’ve gone over it in my own wallpost:

And the conclusion is that there’s no real conclusion.

The hottest takes so far are that Unknown feels “off and fake” from Gorta on which I don’t really agree + EightySecond potentially being scum, but again, I don’t see it after rereading her multiple times.

Also I hope PKR shows up soon so we can see Jane’s case on him, because the thread just died again.

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Hello I have arrived. Let me just answer some questions first.

No reason really… or hmmm more of a reason that I can’t explain yet. When the time comes, it will all make a lot more sense

HAHAHAHA… bruh ok really guys?
Also great, atleast we have A healer but like… you’re outted and you’re probably gonna get targeted out of all of us


i did


put much stock into that RT. It wasnt that good, it wasnt that bad, and it didnt need to exist. I thought the fastest way to go from someone who has given like 2 reads is to continue spitting out the reads as I make them, and I had made a read on app/emilia.

I got about the same spot

I think our guns are barreled at the wrong people (mainly me/Cent/and Emilia was?) and, well

Id pin it up to coasters. I think Chloe’s town, and their pushing me, I think Mode is town, and their pushing Cent, I kind think Wazza’s town, and their pushing(or at least pushed) Emilia.

working from there, I dont think scum are really pushing the agenda around. I think we have at least 1 wolf in Blizer/Highway, just because we’re both lacking scum presence and their presence

going further from there is a lot harder. I dont actually know where precisely to look. Ive kinda given what I did get earlier, in the post you were responding to, but I dont think much has changed.

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Also I kinda doubt PKR’s claim a bit, like anyone could have really claimed the heal on Ans since we already had a discussion on the game probably being a Frostweaver game and that Ans was healed from his bleed explaining why Magnus died but he didn’t, but I guess that’s more crazy theories.


PKR is wolfier for that

Maybe. Find it odd he decided to claim under barely any pressure when he could’ve just try to prove himself socially and keep quiet.

a FW would know that he mustve been healed, and if he’s worried about PK Mage literally has an ability to stop it

also, what he said his logs is I find hard to believe

To be honest I’m all in for PK/Executioner/other vigs getting rid of Blizer at night because I feel like his execution would be mostly a waste since he doesn’t exist. Though, counterpoint: the PoE we have now is questionable at best.

Not so certain on Highway because I really liked their posts in the beginning, but I guess they could still be a vig target purely because I agree that it feels like:

Also, ironically:

This is how I’ve felt this game in general. I already told Jane, but it feels like my perspective reads barely work because there’s not much perspective to go off of.
And in cases where there is (Unknown/EightySecond), I’ve already explained it.

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I mean it is possible that he’s faking it just because I didn’t die in vacuum – but we can’t know if he’s the only person who healed me or not.
And I don’t feel like going around outing more people for no reason.

Fair enough. But something tells me people are gonna out themselves anyways…

unless the executioner has already condemned one of them its probably not worth using 2 day/night cycles for the executioner to kill one of them

it would be worth if they were bled today, because we could use the FW’s passive to clear PoE for us

what do you mean by this?

Also there’s the fact that PKR claimed with 0 pressure on him + iirc people weren’t even actively discussing his slot at the time.
Which is a thing – because from what I remember about him in Insurgency I think he’s pretty capable of clearing himself socially at least in some capacity without having to resort to claiming.
But yeah.

he claimed SoD2

I committed /vote on him

but I dont think anyone actually remembered so it doesnt matter