SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

last game I tunneled on like your first 3 posts lmao. I’m going to actually evaluate you over the course of the game is what I meant

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I’m saying that the GS pairing I’m seeing RN is you and Cent.
You can be Neutral as well and I’m not taking that out of consideration.
Do you honestly think because your pushing me I Scum Read you for that? LMAO.
WTF do you honestly take me for?
It’s you fuckin reasoning and how your acting that makes me scum read you.
Fuck if you use that excuse then why TF is Gorta not in my scum Reads? Lol.
Look. Your read sounds more like a gut or tone read on me and you refuse to admit that but don’t apply any actual fuckin explanation why it’s a solid read, if it isn’t a solid read you haven’t showed any indication otherwise.

Pkr can i ask why im your highest townread

what kind of fucking bullshit is that read you’ve had 0 interactions with my slot all youve done is parrot a read one which is totally bs ofc my play isn’t the exact same every game

also like

LMAO what

I’m not sure what to think of this PKR/Seth argument.

Don’t think it’s ever W/W though.

you’re acting like pointless contribution from Seth is out of his townrange


I really wish there was a way to ignore a player’s posts because I can feel myself about to GO OFF on Seth but I really do not want to.

Like, it is frustrating the living hell out of me.

chleb stop liking posts to sheep me

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Hey guys, keep down the insults, that ain’t gonna help any of you


No, it is literally what I always expect but I think he has had some scummy posts and I am not the only one considering him being EK.

the minor rush of endorphins I get whenever someone appreciates my content is an abuse of power

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I have infinite power

Proof: I too believe he is EK

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I mean I also kinda was thinking EK, but everyone ignores me : (


Dont make W/W reads that include the king lmao

Neither of them know eachothers alignments

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Your tone is well composed.
You have stuck to your laurels and made good posts.
You question people calmly and overall, I do not see you as the same person who was my teammate in Insurgency.

Your level headedness is townie atm and I would like you to keep it up.
As honestly, it is a pleasure to read.

I kinda wanna deathtunnel Jane for that read now that I see one of them was king


Look at my posts.
I have done stuff.
I don’t Town Credit pointless. Everything I said has justifiable reasons.
There’s nothing I did for the sole purpose of so called “Pointless Content”.
Some people don’t always acknowledge all posts. What I did was to make people see it.
You think it’s a baseless point but if it is then why has it been brought up so much?
Now people definitely won’t forget about it.

Because he wants to Pocket You

Remind me; which post did he say was pointlsss?