SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Yeah, I need to like not be screwed here as I am the only claimed healer and kinda feel sick to fucking death of this.

Actually nevermind, nope. Silver Strings doesnā€™t require you to dress up the people first.

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Was I supposed to be?

It could be just that the moderror wasnā€™t actually fixed.

I donā€™t think I was supposed to be.

for the record I think ā€˜just leave X for the Executionerā€™ is kind of silly because it takes them two nights to kill anyone unless they use Hasty Sentence

with that being said, Blizer is Condemned, so we should leave them for the Executioner :^)

ā€˜Arete how do you knowā€™

because I can actually read softs

ā€˜Arete why are you outing thisā€™

so that we can stop spending time arguing about who we should leave for the Executioner

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So what even did centuires claim? if anything

ā€¦someone was always going to heal ans

it was just a matter of when. FW was a possibility, so I dont think

MM/CL would necessarily convert them

but why not justā€¦make someone else immune>heal bleeder

if they thought it was a FW game:
dont risk your life. You wont even save ans, because of how Absolute Zero works.

if they didnt:
make someone else immune while you still know its a convert night, then heal ans the next night.

it was never the optimal play to heal Ans, but since he did, why doesnt he at least try to have a shot stopping the convert? It may be unlikely, but this is their best shot, no? Specifically when dealing with someone like ans?

anyways, I thought it was the play, and I wanted an indirect way to confirm whether or not he did it.

i was hoping for why

ill be waiting

the dressing happened n1, so this is supposed to be

not only did I not say that but if PKR is mage he could prove himself by redirecting psycho

Heā€™d have to choose a good target, because it would kill that guy insteadā€¦

Also lets not forget that my vig is delayed too.

Mathmods hedge
Pointless RTs
Saying shit to look useful but not following through

I dont see a better execution target and nobody has suggested anyone other than PKR

I think a TBE groupscum flip (which i see as most likely) gives us a LOT to work with
A townflip arguably does the same
Narrows PoE, forces a re-eval, allows us to look for pocketing/buddying, etc

I do welcome this as I would love to self prove.
Especially if I pick someone who has irritated the f out of me today.

Anyway I am going again.

I was thinking Hasty Sentence could be used

I was hoping they could just yeet pkr tonight

If Blizer is condemned



I think i misread tailor

I think your results are fine
Tailor hurts brain

Ok, thatā€™s quite understandable.

However Centuries might be dressed so my results might be innacurate.

im not bothering if your read still relies on someone not being confident in their d1. Its EoD3, and i have over 10x their posts.

this is unfair. RTs i dont continue with =/= pointless

and every RT has had intent that ive explained, and whether you agree with it or not, nothing bad has come from them.

you have a singular example of me coming up with quite frankly a bad idea youve worked up, that I did later do.

thats a bad meme

oh, and dont put me at 2/3 votes(one vote away). At least not yet.

it doesnt work that way here


I wouldnā€™t really call this RT pointless since we did get something out of it but I donā€™t fully agree with the main intention behind it since I donā€™t think anyone would consider converting me/making me CI last night.
If I was a Mage myself Iā€™d just barrier someone within my TRs.

Well, he did follow through with the post on PoE and we already talked about the one on interactions ā€“ which I do agree, was somewhat weird.

Iirc there havenā€™t even been that many interactions with TBE ā€“ on my spreadsheet, only 3 people made any kind of strong read on them ā€“ even though I might be missing entries (and I will go over it before EoD). Also I donā€™t think there has been any pocketing/buddying from/with him but I might need to re-read him later. I suppose the argument about PoE is valid but Iā€™m still not a huge fan of it.

Fiddler exists.