SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I could see gscum, as some of their responses seem too dumb to come from someone with experience and some don’t. This indicates to me that someone is helping them in scum chat and telling them to post certain things.

Does the prince equivalent has grief here?

I posted those a bit further up

It took all of my energy to make a read on the 6 top posters and I just want to interact with people now. If you want something more detailed expect those one at a time

Well luckily I will get to heal someone tonight.
So the Executioner PoE being smaller means my heal is more likely to be effective.

@ChopChop Why in the hell are you voting me for having a SR on your TR?

Though I will have to WIFOM between Executioner PoE and others because otherwise I just hand out free kills.


the lack of bleeds means that Blizer is likely bled.

kind of wondering where FW/Cult bleeds are at though

The bleed on me came at the very last second in the day – 40 minutes or so iirc.
It is possible that they might try to bleed late into the day again so that whoever is bled doesn’t have time to out it/isn’t in the thread.

CL bleeds not shared


I don’t see how people can’t get a read from me yet. Is it that I am that unreadable?

Yeah, it’s… quite a sight, really.

Funny to see a thread on the front page about improving townplay, surely somebody has posted to not claim unnecessarily!

As for the TBE situation, I didn’t have time last night to fully reevaluate that slot so I don’t have a strong stance at the moment.

Although this post is a weird assumption, to be honest.

Will ISO TBE in a few hours, don’t think I have enough time to get through it all right now.


I think people (including me) want you to contribute more
There is more to the game than just providing reads
Starts discussions
Push some buttons
Do some votin’

Etc etc etc

I can try, but I don’t do well starting discussion

Also i realized i never responded to Eighty earlier

I’d be fine with you being in allies
I’d rather it be Jane (or someone in the bubble)

But i do want to talk to you more
We havent had a lot of discussion
I’d like some fresh opinions ayaya

I always do better when it’s a 1 on 1 thing. @ChopChop if you think I am scum put me in allies and let’s talk

I know that I am not a wolf, will likely not be converted, and am town here even if you don’t think I am

The question is who goes up today? I think we are saving PKR for the vigs/executioner and I would really like to see Unknown go up, but that likely won’t happen and I would rather not be on a vanity wagon. I think the execution will likely be blue today, but I don’t want to vote there yet, as we still have time to discuss


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I would prefer for the vig or investigative to deal with me.
But if we commit something onto me, Frosty boi NK can just absolute zero to get rid of me to get rid of the healer and whoever helps confirm me.

But me being confirmed is much better than me being dead as otherwise scum get free bleed paradise.

What do you mean? You know I can’t read emojis

the town classcards in this game mode are light green, not blue

this isn’t angleshooting, the cards are literally in the OP

it was a joke about my classcard being blue, as in blue dragon

…its green in this setup though