SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I mean this slot did fake claim Executioner earlier.
From ToL experience, Princes should always deal with those who fake claim Prince.

I’m sure you’d agree with this Eighty Second right?

I’ve never played ToL, but I’ve played a bit of Town of Salem back in the day.

It depends significantly on the context of the claim, and I don’t think TBE’s claim was good in context but I’ve seen wolves claim the PR in more PR-centric setups (think Cop9/Vig10) in much worse fashion.

But, say, claiming Jailor in ToS with no pressure on you (as non-Jailor) would be >rand V, although that’s just easy vet bait. Although IIRC the meta in that game is for the Jailor to claim early anyway, so this analogy is probably not too good.

I assume in ToL, the Prince doesn’t open claim very much? I’d still imagine most wolves are too scared to do it in that game.

But I’m getting off topic, and distracted. I want to finish my readlist before I go to bed.

I have a feeling TBE fake claimed Executioner to try to get the real Executioner to claim.
That seems to come from a scum motivation, which is why I’m all for the real Executioner to deal with TBE tonight.

Did you also noticed he then said he was condemned by the Executioner earlier?
The real executioner wouldn’t fumble like this.
There is no world where TBE is Executioner here.

@Wazza, @ChopChop and @Emilia it would be nice if you get on the Blizer wagon which should have eliminated Blizer already D2 before EoD3.

I didn’t believe his claim when he claimed it.

Anyway, I’m going to stop responding while I read some ISOs. :wave:

I’ll be looking forward to your takes so far. Lets talk about them once you’re done going through them.

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It would be nice if you looked at where my vote is

From a wagonomics perspective, D3 doesn’t offer much in the way of information.
We have 1 wagon on a slot that is doomed and the other 3 wagons are obvious vanity wagons.
So yeah not too much to go on here. The only information we’ll get is hopefully Blizer flips group scum and we can narrow down the group scum PoE by looking at the non-voters.

I know it’s on Gorta, though I don’t think he’s getting jettisoned today.

Look again buddy.

My bad. I was looking at the last vote count which wasn’t updated.

If TBE didnt do hardclaim/no-rescindo Executioner claim, and instead claimed his true class

I might have been tempted to keep him alive here, as his latest posts just… emit townie-vibes

@Emilia why did you hop on the TBE wagon earlier in the day?

PKR Notes:

Cares way too much about Seth early on
#125 comes from a decent mindset although not largely Villager AI
#311/#356 seem slightly pockety towards Chloe, but this may be due to their vocabulary
#1252/#1254 feel weird but probably overall NAI
#1400 is weird because to my understanding, his logic is factually incorrect with regards to how a Cult game works, which might be a bit of a nod towards PKR not being Cult – although the main suspicion seems to be of him being NK anyway
#1540 is PKR townreading Arete off of 2 NAI posts and their claim, also a very hedgey read
Make sure to keep in mind that this is how Cult/Unseen!PKR would interact with people they are not teammates with as Arete is confirmed to be a 3p
#1586 gives me weird vibes but I don’t think a wolf writes this about someone they TMI as a villager
#1618 (and several over posts) is where I’m realizing how obsessed he is with NK-hunting
#1966 feels very padded out
#2051 is a weak reason to TR Jane and iirc Jane had been pushing them at this point
#2316 is very IIoA while trying to look useful
#2490 and #2515 are good for the same reason; he’s actually taking stances and a few (Wazza/Centuries) weren’t consensus
#2500 is not good and I explained why in past posts
#2652 is a post I weirdly like
#2772 (and basically every post related to Anstreims bleed) is… meh.
#2785 is interesting and I’d like for PKR to elaborate on it
#2975 might just be a perspective slip but probably is NAI
(The latter part of) #2993 and #2994 are mostly NAI, but I think an NK with strongman would be slightly less inclined to write this?
#3033 is the first post I can see PKR softing Mage. In a world where PKR is the Frostweaver, he would very likely know that Anstreim was healed, so this softclaim holds little value.
#3116/#3138 is… very weird? How would Wazza know his claim?
#3410 is the post PKR claims in

This line in particular sticks out because it’s not a thought that would be unique specifically a healer to have, but it’s phrased as if he thinks it would be

#3412 is PKR using a soft from the same day as a defense. Which means nothing.
#3539 is a post that I’ve already pointed out has very questionable logic which I pointed out earlier already
#3595/#3603 is using the fact that they are un-CCed as a defense, which isn’t applicable for their role in this setup.

Conclusion: PKR has some posts that ping me as unlikely to come from Cult/Unseen, but I do agree that their NK equity is notable.

I did not expect this to take an hour. That’s 1 name down and 3 to go. I’ll try to be more concise with the next 3 for my own sanity, but luckily their ISOs are shorter.

You guys post too much.


It doesn’t help he then claimed to be condemned by the Executioner.
Yeah that’s grounds to be killed by the real executioner. This makes no sense from a townie PoV unless TBE is scum trying to role fish the Executioner.

I’m bored and I want to have an opinion on something

does anyone have a question for me that can be answered without needing to read an Iso

Who do you think got converted
If anyone


I mean if TBE is town, then his fake executioner claim is a moran move.
Lets be honest with ourselves here. No offence to anyone here.

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Emilia has dropped off a lot since yesterday and has the biggest shift in playstyle of anyone who’s not zeroposting today

but she would also be a weird convert, so shrug

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