SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Oh yeah, please do the same thing with your Sphere target tomorrow.
I.e. discuss it with top TR’s – there is some merit in considering adding someone from PoE.
Even though that would probably be anti-wincon for you, but at the same time it would probably dissuade scum from attacking you if you got one of them.

Things are complicated, probably going to think more on this at night and leave it in my logs.

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Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Blizer CRichard564, UnknownTraveler, Arete, PsychoKang, ModeShifter 5/9
PokemonKidRyan Emilia, Anstreim, an_gorta_pratai, Chloe, Jane, TheBlueElixir, EightySecond 7/9

Replacement pingus coming after day end :^)

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I dont mind a PKR wagon, particularly if PK will vig Blizer.

/vote PKR

(I didnt really expect to here for EoD but w/e)

/vote PKR

Hoping someone takes care of Blizer soon.

I just realized I have no idea who I’m going to be in Allies Chat with.

…he self voted


PK should vig Blizer if we are killing off PKR then.


inb4 pkr

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If I’m stuck in there with just Mode I might cry.


ive already said my last words, but uh

CRich really needs some re-eval for ya

ill have more on that in my logs

@wolves I’m WifoMing a heal in my bubble

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so don’t kill people in it


And… time’s up! Stop talking.


Final Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Blizer CRichard564, UnknownTraveler, Arete, PsychoKang, ModeShifter 5/9
PokemonKidRyan Emilia, Anstreim, an_gorta_pratai, Chloe, Jane, TheBlueElixir, EightySecond 7/9

Replacement pingus coming after day end :^)


As the day dragged on, people still weary over the gruesome fate of their fellow castle dweller, discussion over who should be executed began circulating. After the failed trial from the previous day, people were eager to change their methods.

But who would they kill? The answer, as agreed upon, was simple. It would be PokemonKidRyan.

“What? I’m a Mage, the one who’s been keeping you all alive!” He cried. “This is a horrible idea!”

Nobody believed him. Many began shouting insults or sparking some flames in their hands. It was at this point he knew their would be no escape.

“Alright, fine. You’ve got me. But know this. You can never truly escape the wrath of Corax. No matter what, darkness shall return. Even if I have failed.”

After he finishes this speech, he snaps his fingers and promptly turns to dust, leaving only his cloak behind.

PokemonKidRyan has been executed by the court! He was…

The Darkstalker :fire: :shield:

Neutral Killer
In Darkness I Reside (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding and death, and will be informed if somebody tries to bleed you. All visits to you at night by a cursed player are prevented.
Shackles of the Damned (Passive) - If somebody ever claims their true class, you may quote that post in your class card and curse them. All healing will fail on cursed players, and they will not know they are cursed.
Damnation (Day) - Choose a cursed player. They will die tonight. This is a normal kill that will not benefit from the effects of a curse. Infinite uses
Cloak of Shadows (Day) - In the coming night you will be immune to occupation and redirection. 2 uses
Phantom Force (Night) - Strike from the shadows and kill a player. Attacking a cursed player will hide your visits. Infinite uses :crown:

Survive to the final 4 players while the evil faction cannot execute you on their own.

He left behind no logs.

Day 3 has ended and Night 3 shall now begin. It will end at 2020-07-13T16:19:00Z. The deadline for night action submissions is an hour before SoD.


Oh, and since I didn’t get any replacements in the day I’m releasing a ping.


If you’re interested in replacing in, please do DM me.

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You know how this works by now, don’t talk unless you are a host until the hosts say you can