SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I mean… I don’t think PKR vs Mode is W/W either… so I don’t see the wierdness in that

How do you get any information on PokemonKidRyan’s alignment by their interactions with somebody who they have a 0% chance of knowing the alignment of?

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You have a point

Okay think about it this way

W/W interactions require the players to know that eachother is a wolf

Commonly called theatrics

You cant make really false interactions if you dont know the other person it a wolf

This only makes sense earlygame, really, because alignments can be semi-confirmed later on and its easier to do theatrics

Rn tho? No way pkr knows seth is a wolf, and no way seth knows pkr is a wolf

Ya feel?

Yes… I understand that… which is why I don’t think that was W/W

Should be “cant really make” not “cant make really”

My b

Explain your thought process behind not thinking its W/W

I think we are misunderstanding eachother

As dumb as it sounds

Saying people are T/T is different from saying people arent W/W

Because of what you literally just stated.
They can’t know each other is wolf, so they can’t set a W/W interaction…
Ye we are definitely misunderstanding something

Oh it is?

My mistake

Saying people arent W/W implies you removed that possibility
Meaning you considered it as a possibility in the first place - when there is no way to know if it was W/W this early

Saying people are T/T is based on them being individually townie, and less-so on the interaction

This is my opinion
Other peeps might have different opinions

AHHH ok then, I get it

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Grasping some things for me is kinda hard lol

Ehh it happens for me, nothing I can do about it

So now im tempted to ask

Do you see them as T/T? Or not W/W

PKR Responses to Mode


What type of neutral?
Also, you basically are saying “I see you as groupscum but you can be Neutral too”.
Like… no shit sherlock, fence much?

Someone who would 100% do that.
That’s what I take you for.

The fact that I am already on your ass about it so you couldn’t add more.

I am literally not the only person who reads you as EK.
Multiple people have considered you could easily be EK.

Let’s start with your first post.
The first part is a no f’ing shit sherlock. But you should be concentrating on someone you townread not just because someone is “strong”
The second part is scummy as all hell. Multiple people have commented on this already so I feel no need to expand on it.

This post is already horrendous tonally and does not contribute literally anything except from stroking your ego. “You better be glad I rolled king”. Like, you should be riding a pony that is a few days old. Not a high horse.

Literally didn’t explain why.

Still is scummy.

Reaction to someone saying that it is their first game is “Oh, you will be able to pick the lynch tomorrow”
Like… what?
That is, no trying to analyse, no trying to contribute.

This reeked out of all of your posts.
No explanation why.

Then you said this after UT said something that 100% should at least be questioned.

Yes, you explained what you was doing.
You are planning to give 4 as you called them “weak players” the vote tomorrow instead of picking people you yourself read as TOWNIE.
That should be the fucking priority. But it just isn’t, is it?
I don’t care how new or how old players are.
If you pick 4 players, they need to be the towniest, not just “weak”

Also your tone is so damn condescending towards me.
You act like you are supreme, but you just aren’t.
You’re a human like me.
I make mistakes and for sure you do too.
“I managed to get all groupscum by D2”
Well, congrats. But this is FoL where there are conversions.
So you will need to try and reconsider and keep an open mind.
By saying you will pick weak players and are going to protect strong ones, you have given scum a free conversion.

I said not W/W nerd.

And it was mostly to get people of Mode’s ass.

Probably not W/W
I know I did say T/T before, but that was assuming that was the same as saying not W/W

So you dont view them as individually townie

And instead you dont see this as theatrics