SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

What and get myself killed as the most powerful town role?

If I were any town role, Iā€™d be ok with taking the hit there.

Yes! Because now the ā€œmost powerful town roleā€ is useless in front of THE EVER GROWING TIME BOMB.

Killing him now is literally more of a loss than killing him on N2!

You wasted the chance to kill them!

We are now suffering MORE losses than we could have in N2!

I still want to know how in hell was I deduced d2? That shouldnā€™t have happened.

Was I so obvious that I was wearing a ā€œHey Iā€™m Executioner sign?ā€ How did this happen?

Who the hell cares!? For all we know it couldā€™ve been done by accident!
You couldā€™ve asked this in DEAD CHAT instead of MOPING ABOUT IT NOW.

Except it wasnā€™t an accident. They knew somehow.

I could have complained FOREVER about why I am about to die N4 when I just got in Today, BUT I DIDNā€™T DO THAT! I donā€™t complain about my OWN situation: I complain about THIS TOWNā€™S BLOODY SITUATION.

Do you want proof that they knew somehow?
I can paste a message if youā€™re so convinced Iā€™m just being paranoid.

And risk you getting modkilled? NO THANK YOU!
All that matters is how you should cope with it!

Oh FFSā€“

Wait I could have been modkilled. Well I deleted it happy now?

ā€“wait. Deleting posts is also a rule-breaking offense.
GAAH. Why the hell did you have to throw the game for such a silly reason!?

Well I could have been mod killed as you said.
What can I do?

What can you do now? All you can do now is spread your reads like the other four dead towns who died last night! There is NOTHING else you can do if you are legit to be modkilled Today.

I wasnā€™t quoting from class card. That isnā€™t a mod killable offence.

Pray that such is the case, lest you might be gone otherwise.