SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Which is why I’m thinking we’re living in a Mode is setting up a reaction test world as I find it too convenient that the one person who could confirm or contradict this is dead.

for towncred?

I know ppl usually get cleared for it partly and there isnt many ways to confirm its fake

I dont scumread you for that though

yea but you dont lose much either

I guess it could be viewed that way, but there’s still the fact that we seemingly didn’t have any other bleeds since then, so eh.
Myself aside, what does your current PoE look like?

well considering your claim I am not really scumreading you as much

my exe here would be in cloned/UT mainly cuz I see more town in others en

can I ask why u didnt defend chloe N3? seemed like an obvious choice due to them being in towncore

I’m on board with cloned getting axed today. Traveler is someone who needs to be reevalutated ASAP as I’m pretty sure they’re alive longer than they should be as town.

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Surprised you are the first one to ask about N3, honestly.
If you look back at my readlists this game (I posted one at each SoD), Centuries has always been more of a null for me.
On D3, I’ve seen people suspecting his slot as CL/MM and even though I didn’t really SL him socially, I thought that resolving him through mech would be most effective.

The reason I decided to use Phantom instead of guarding someone to begin with was because
-1. Arete was still DI and would most likely be healing CRichard whom I knew was the Executioner from N2, meaning there was no reason to guard any of them.
-2. We didn’t have erad on N2, meaning the conversion was very likely missed, therefore N3 would either be eradicate night or another conversion night.
So if it was another conversion night, I would lose nothing.
If it was eradicate night, I would confirm Cent as either town or scum.

So it was pretty much the perfect night for it. Also I thought Chloe was a Mage (CRichard can confirm I told him so in Allies) so I expected her to either redirect people off of herself, or be healed/defended since she was mostly TR’d.

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Also can you talk about Unknown? Mostly agree with Cloned because he hasn’t been doing anything.
+I take it you trust Wazza?

I can confirm Ans did tell me he thought Chloe was a mage in N2 Allies chat.


they started good but now they dropped a lot


UT is Town

I can 100% confirm this

Well I already said that I think it’s unlikely they are starting groupscum, but I do want to extensively talk with them today.
Still curious as to why they wanted to be in the Sphere so much.

Mostly on the fence with Wazza to be honest, most of his talk was still about mech/claiming.

can be starting

Explain what happened in Allies last night.
Don’t quote anything – just paraphrase.

couple reasons:

  • the fact that the Executioner chose me as a target pointed to you as a likely suspect, since you were one of the few people saying ‘Arete is scum’ rather than just ‘Arete is lacking’
  • you had talked a lot on D1 about not letting scum narrow down the Executioner – talking a lot about a specific PR is very likely to come from that specific PR
  • I made a post about being condemned on D2, and you responded by specifically calling out that post and saying that it was almost certainly true (see point 2)

the first one isn’t really avoidable but in the future, I’d recommend that if you’re trying to stay hidden as a PR, that you talk less about that PR

Oi. Cut him some slack. My slot has also been gone since around D2.

You and what power?

Good. Now that this is out of the way, can you turn CRich into an Executioner that can actually do something instead of continuously moping?

Yeah and your slot is resolving tonight, which I’m absolutely fine with. Cloned’s isn’t.

Also @Arete answer the question please.

Oh so I’m not paranoid now? Good to know.
Anyway back to the game. I’d down with cheese getting jettisoned today, you down with that as well?

pretty sure Mode implied earlier that he made UT conversion immune (could be wrong)

also them being newish explains their survival