SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Could you explain this + Emilia further?
Also, that means your PoE is Cloned/Gorta/Emilia? Since Zone dies to Falling Star tonight.

Mostly going off my suspicions on them, plus the fact that Seth said they openwolfedā€¦ so I will assume they are GS

Iā€™m fine with my Cloned and Gorta PoE, though I might need to consider adding more people if they flip town

Donā€™t you think that EightySecond would have something in her logs if Emilia openwolfed in Allies?

Perhaps, but Iā€™m not sure right now. Iā€™m trying to go off of what Seth says, since I think I can fairly trust them

ā€¦Seth literally used TbC that wasted us a day on D2.
Heā€™s known to fake redchecks/greenchecks on town as town.
He has been mostly inactive and even though I agree with Chloeā€™s wallpost on him, I wouldnā€™t be taking his words seriously whatsoever unless he completely explains everything that has happened and Emilia confirms it.

Even still, something tells me I should trust them

Anyways, since CRich went bye bye, me and Arete can technically set up a heal chain for like 2 or 3 nights

Congrats, yes. You found it.

  1. Iā€™ve never actually been in an Allies before.
  2. Thereā€¦wasnā€™t anything for me to get involved in in the talking since Mode was inactive in it.

Random targets for N1. I saw no deaths and because of the possibility of them being occupied upon being visited, went for the same targets N2 to see if either would die. In which, I would kill the one who survived.

I didnā€™t trust either mechanically. I didnā€™t trust Emilia socially but I did trust Centuries socially. Iā€™m a more mechanics guy so I put mechanics before reads.

I suspected them both as possible killers. Not just Emilia.

Iā€™ll be honest, upon any sort of redcheck, fake or not, my lynch wouldā€™ve happened yesterday and you canā€™t tell me otherwise. I had barely done anything at all and everyone was waiting to find a reason that voting me would be a good idea. I was a ticking time bomb practically waiting to happen there.

Explained above.

Centuries didnā€™t soft, he full on outed to me that he picked a target and something happened. Only invests know that so he practically told me.

I wanted to know his results on Emilia since I began distrusting her upon her lack of claim.

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Iā€™m getting to those soonā„¢.

My soulreadā„¢ on cloned tells me they are town.

Also the reason why I wanted to get into the bubble was because me and Arete can setup a heal chain combo for 3 nights and then even after I can play WiFoM with scum to see whether I heal Arete and wormhole myself

No, I didnā€™t mean literally in the Allies since I donā€™t know what precisely happened there, I meant these posts:

But the only results Cent could have are:
As a Scribe
Emilia visiting himself (or not visiting anyone);
Emiliaā€™s faction ā€“ which he probably would out if he had a redcheck;
As a Diviner
Emilia having/not having passives, which doesnā€™t tell that much ā€“ though I imagine heā€™d ask her for classtype like he did with CRichard if she had passives;
As a Clockmaker
Emilia being visited by the Cult/Unseen ā€“ which he would probably out;
Emilia being visited by the Cult/Unseen, and which precisely ā€“ same as the above;
As a Constable
Emilia being/not being one of the Cult/Unseen/Neutral classes, which he would probably out if she was one;
Emilia being Cult/Unseen which is same.

Most of these would literally be ā€œout during SoD that you have a redcheckā€ or ā€œcompletely uselessā€.
I donā€™t really see how it couldā€™ve helped since he said nothing.

Was mostly talking about this post:

Which I thought happened before Cent saying that he targetted 101 and ā€œsomething happenedā€, so disregard that.

Still find it mildly weird that you put your possible killer suspect as one of your highest TRā€™s, though I suppose the rest makes some sense.

What soulread.
He literally has 14 posts most of which are fluff.

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You underestimate the soulreadā„¢.

an_gorta_pratai - #???
Jane - #???, Arete's hostage
Wazza - Tailor
Zone_Q11 - Resurrectionist, dying N4
Centuries - Diviner, dying N4
clonedcheese - Scribe
Emilia - Resurrectionist
UnknownTraveler - Mage, Arete's hostage
Anstreim - Summoner
Arete - Oneiromancer, needs to die ASAP
ModeShifter - King

Alright. The Arete problem is now solved.
ā€¦I guess I will start scumhunting then.
ā€¦hey @an_gorta_pratai what do you think of the gamestate?

This is pretty helpful.

This is also helpful.

I only realised it during the night when I was questioning Amelia about what I actually do and what the occupation means.

Itā€™s not something you wouldnā€™t do as scum, but I kind of think you are town for now

That only works in UT isnā€™t starting scum

Can I ask why you healed Ans twice?

I want you to explain your read on me

Well, we just lost our executioner, there are 3 cultists out there, and since they canā€™t kill consistently then I would say we arenā€™t in a good spot, but also arenā€™t in the worst place

I am the second Clockmaker
n1: clockwork Arete <not visited by either
n2: clockwork Chloe <not visited by either
n3: HoT Anstreim <not visited by either

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Was planning to ask them on why they healed me after they would talk about the read on you/Cloned, but they never did.
What is your current readlist/PoE? Also claim since we have committed to massclaiming anyway.