SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

people punching up in thread feels weird though

I said he pulled a chloe specifically
Meaning he has adrenaline at gamestart as scum and it seemed like more energy than usual

Keep reading lmao
I said that this dumb thought process probably comes from town!seth

I didnt have much else to say on the matter
But i did say I disagreed with how he wants to use it

Welcome to d1 with no execution

And welcome to my thought-process
I comment
And i ask questions
And i answer them when im asked

Chloe why did you like every single one of Apprenticeā€™s posts

Iā€™m going to bed now.

Quick note that weā€™re doing less good of a job of not hyperposting.

(We have like half the posts of FoL 28 D1 in 1/5 of the time.)

It was a joke

He said to stop liking his posts
So i went back and liked all of them

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Can find the exact moment if you want

Does no one other than me have any sort of reads now? Cmon, I need more info and material




arete pings me
Iā€™ll talk more in depth later to see if what Iā€™m seeing rn holds true

No one has reads it seems, time to hop back into the void

I read it but i dont have any readsā€¦

Iā€™m coming back when someone does something or gives reads
Bye for now

blizerā€™s posting isnā€™t coming of as forced or anything similar
itā€™s content and itā€™s all content that doesnā€™t suck

I like the slot


Iā€™d say their ISO is >rand wolf just because itā€™s useless, but that doesnā€™t seem to be uncommon here.


why are you appealing specifically to arete/jane
I see that youā€™re talking with them consistently based on earlier posts, but why are you interested in discussing w/ them in the first place


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Hard Disagree. But also Agree.

Itā€™s more like. Logically if I knew PKR was Scum I may have acted differently which I can understand that.
However I am a King/Lord.
As such, regardless of alignment I donā€™t know anyone elseā€™s roles except for myself.