SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

We might not need to wait that long if we decide on something sooner but the thread is kinda dead so I doubt it.
Also openclaiming brought us nowhere since we barely got any kind of relevant information.

I want to drop a :radioactive: :bomb:
ā€¦mainly towards Arete since his existence is the cause of Centā€™s and my deaths.
ā€“actually, itā€™s Chloe and PsychoKang that I should nuke, but I canā€™t exactly do that until I am dead.
But I donā€™t want to wait that long eitherā€¦ Ughā€¦

I see a few people are pointing out my drop in activity;Iā€™ve been really busy lately, although that should be over now.

I see that we have decided to commit massclaim, so I donā€™t think thereā€™s much of a purpose to still keeping this secret.

N1 - /Clockworks Highway [Not visited by either!]
D2 - /Fated Night
N2 - /Clockworks EightySecond [Not visited by either!]
N3 - /The Hands of Time Chloe [Target was changed, Not visited by either!]

That is the ā€œmechanical infoā€ that I mentioned yesterday in the Dream Sphere.

While this doesnā€™t 100% condemn Wazza since fakeclaiming exists, I think it should for all effective purposes be treated as a thunderdome, since Wazza is obvious scum independant of mechanics.

Hold up. A third Clockmaker?

not going to lie

if I had WiM to play a neut before (which I didnā€™t really) I lost most of it when CRich mysteriously died for reasons entirely beyond my control


ā€¦How does this include me in absolutely any way at all?

Yes, I am the third Clockmaker.

You are the only offensive claim, and youā€™re pretty obviously scum.

Technically itā€™s possible thereā€™s another offensive that is fakeclaiming, but I doubtā„¢ it.

Hmm so this is the third Clockmaker claim together with TBE/Gorta.
How does this:

N3 - /The Hands of Time Chloe [Target was changed, Not visited by either!]

It is true that no one claimed offensive aside from Wazza but I think several Cult classes/alts can redirect? Going to check OP.

Iā€™m sorry that you pretty much rolled Strigoi twice.
If no one is going to talk about it, I still think that adding someone within Emilia/Gorta is fine ā€“ provided you donā€™t want to add Centuries.

How does this implicate directly Wazza*

Continuing my re-eval now, skipping these slots as theyā€™re dead tonight either way. However, Zoneā€™s tunneling of Arete does not seem town-motivated since that (and begging for a massclaim) is the only thing theyā€™ve been focusing on.

Explain to me how the existence of a kidnapper is not Town Priority #1 if you donā€™t know that there is a Mage alive who can keep Arete alive indefinitely.

I am not a social reader. I am more of a mech solver, andā€¦ it seems that nobodyā€™s claims are clashing.

Not going to look at Unseen converts for reasons I explained before.

From base classes, from Alts:

(At least I think you can take normal abilities as alts if I understand how the system works correctly? Else it doesnā€™t make much sense):

And thatā€™s pretty much it from what I see.

Iā€™m pretty sure Zone tunneling whoever isnā€™t really AI from what I remember about him.
But I explained my stance on Blizer before so Iā€™m pretty much fine with him dying to delayed vig tonight.

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This should be impossible, since it would mean that scum visited Jane, which wouldā€™ve triggered Hands of Time.

Your main concern was supposedly that scum would kill Arete, yes?

Although that is true, there would be no reason to give them a hand and do it for them. Our main priority is to kill scum, which is what weā€™re doing today. Besides, tonight should be a convert night, not an erad one.

Wait thatā€™s probably right, theyā€™d see a visit on themselves.

Yes, my main concern is that scum would kill Arete, but I would rather do it sooner when he has less hostages, then Tomorrow when he has more hostages. I am afraid of him dying Tonight, Tomorrow Night, and all Nights thereafter!

As for Cult: We all agree that it is the ā€œmost probable scumā€, but until we see a red flip, we can never be certain that such is the case!

Me and Arete can just heal chain each other

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Like I said earlier, my soulreadā„¢ tells me that this is a villager. I think it has something to do with writing style/tone differences between their town and scum games, although Iā€™ll probably try to explain it better tomorrow.