SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Like I would execute Ans over Emilia/Wazza/Jane if they are alive later because there is a reason they are living this late in the game.

We also need to RE-EVALUATE EVERYTHING tomorrow

Goodnight guys, I want to be on before the EoD

Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
clonedcheese ModeShifter, an_gorta_pratai 2/6
Jane Zone_Q11, Wazza 2/6
Wazza Jane, clonedcheese 2/6

Me: Wazza and me are effectively thunderdomed.

Also Me: cloned is a villager.


Anyway, now itā€™s time for image this monstrosity.

Where is everyone? Why are they not voting?

Alright, Iā€™ve had enough. I intentionally took a step back during the first part of the day to see where the thread would go and if it would be pulled into one direction, but that never happened.
I want every single one of you to read this, tell me why you agree/disagree and stop sitting around doing nothing. I asked people to give me reads and interact with each other as well as discuss Areteā€™s Sphere candidates, yet you just threw your readlists at me and decided to mull around.
@an_gorta_pratai @Jane @Wazza @Zone_Q11 @Centuries @clonedcheese @Emilia @Unknown @ChopChop

The fact that our VC looks like this and there seems to be no thread direction whatsoever makes me think that scum is trying to keep quiet and stay under the radar:

The worst thing about it is that ā€œunder the radarā€ could apply literally to the half of the players right now:
Arguably Cloned, Jane, Wazza, Emilia, Unknown.

So taking away people that I think are the least likely to be scum at the moment (Emilia + Unknown), we are left with Cloned, Jane, Wazza.
First and foremost I want to resolve the Jane/Wazza situation (which Iā€™m pretty sure is never W/W), because Cloned has barely been doing anything ā€“ and will likely be the next lynch regardless.

So on Jane:
-They claim third Clockmaker;
-Their D1/D2 were in line with what Iā€™ve seen in the two games they were town;
-Their activity dropped from D3 onward;
-They were made CI by EightySecond on N2.

On Wazza:
-He claims a Tailor;
-Most of his talk so far has been flat out mech;
-He has only started to become active in those past days (so literal antithesis to Jane);
-He has a redirection on Centuries.

Honestly, from what I see so far I would always lynch Wazza > Jane.
Wazza has had several posts that have ā€œalrightā€ explanations that make sense ā€“ but itā€™s not hard for scum to be sensible ā€“ read my answer to Janeā€™s wallpost.
Not to mention that there are several posts with weird logic, such as that post on ā€œoccupying both peopleā€ which he wrote because he ā€œwasnā€™t sureā€:

Speaking of Janeā€™s wallpost ā€“ not a single soul talked about it, it was completely ignored by everyone until I replied to it, and only then Wazza replied to me.

Thereā€™s also the fact that Zone ā€“ a slot which I consider to be very likely scum, is openly voting with him while Jane seems completely alone in the thread. Not to mention that this post:

Reminds me a lot of what Iā€™ve seen in Nightless where I miscleared Wazza on saying ā€œPeople want my slot dead but no one is voting itā€. ā€œEveryone wants me deadā€ yet there are two people voting him and thereā€™s no serious pressure on him whatsoever.
Thereā€™s also Janeā€™s redirection which I was hoping people would discuss but again, not a single person (not even mech-oriented players) bothered to do it.
Also I seriously doubt that Jane would claim third Clockmaker as scum, especially when they are the last person to claim ā€“ why would they claim investigative instead of some easy to fake support or social.

Another thing ā€“ I find it mildly concerning that the only person to openly say ā€œWazza is scummyā€ is a literal neutral that promptly got ignored. I was hoping to see if someone would suggest adding Wazza to the sphere, but it seems like that isnā€™t going to happen.

Last but not least:
If Wazza is scum, I think the next people we should be looking at are:
-Potentially Emilia
-Potentially Unknown (iirc Wazza never interacted with this, but from what I remember there are a few other slots that he didnā€™t talk with once)
Zone would also be here but he self-resolves.

If Wazza is somehow town:
-We 100% check Jane

Iā€™m pretty sure this is never going to be quickhammered for several reasons, but even in case it somehow is ā€“ we literally have outed scum with several forms of counterplay against them. (4 claims that can protect, one among which can prevent conversion if they WIFOM it properly).
/accuse Wazza

Also thereā€™s this, which I already mentioned ā€“ Seth outed his SF on Unknown to me/CRichard in Allies on N2, and then to Eighty/Emilia on N3 ā€“ when he claimed to use his Allies to sort out PoE.

I have to decide if I use Dust and self-resolve tonight or not.

Define ā€œaloneā€.

Clonedā€™s initial vote on Wazza was literally meant to be a joke:

Look at the way thread interacts with Jane.
The fact that their posts are mostly completely ignored and people barely focus on them.

Also thereā€™s this whole talk of ā€œJaneā€™s activity has droppedā€/ā€œI want to interact with themā€ and when they are actually in the thread, no one bothers to do anything.

I thought we agreed to me healing them

Except I said several times that:

+Several others.

I think this is still the only way I can read you that wouldnā€™t always make me conclude youā€™re town. (Although I suppose I could try to read you on how long you survive). It still looks pretty good, although we disagree on cloned (but I get why, partially).

Also this way I donā€™t have to analyse 560 posts with like 100 of those being wallposts.

Anyway, I was going to say you hadnā€™t been pushing your reads today - or anything else, really - but I suppose this explains it.

Why were you hoping someone would suggest adding Wazza? What would they gain from it if they managed to add Wazza?

Sure, Iā€™m fine with this, since Wazza isnā€™t town.

Also, can we just pretend like the day ends in 5 hours? Hooray! Weā€™ve got 24 more hoursā€¦ that people are just going to waste like theyā€™re doing right now.

With Wazza being lynched today, and Zone dying tonight, that should be fine?

It means that scum canā€™t convert you since you are dying, and we should be able to sufficiently limit the convert pool that scum getting another convert wonā€™t matter.

I havenā€™t done any math on this, but I doubt it would lose us the game. All of this is of course, assuming you arenā€™t already converted, but I doubtā„¢ it.

Iā€™m still skeptical on him, even if you read him right early on in Dreaming Gods spectator chat ā€“ but literally all 3 of us who were following closely did.

I think Iā€™m just going to WIFOM Dust. That way scum have to decide if they want to risk and try converting me, and I potentially get to resolve my/Sethā€™s slots. I still immensely dislike his focus on Emilia/Cloned which he didnā€™t back up whatsoever, btw.

The main issue is scum potentially electing one of their own, but thatā€™s why itā€™s WIFOM. Not to mention that Iā€™m going to leave logs regardless if I die or not.

I mean, you could literally just read the wallposts alone ā€“ I tried to keep all of my posts meaningful/on topic this game.

If people started suggesting for Wazza to be added, I think the likelihood of Unknown/the people suggesting it being scum would be higher imo.
Because if Wazza himself is scum and Unknown has already outed that they are forming a heal circle with Arete, scum would probably want to go the safer route and try to get people into the Sphere.

I want everyone to read my wallpost and at least reply to it, but yeah, with the amounts of ā€˜discussionā€™ going around, we might just end the day early if we reach a consensus.

Aside from that, what are your current thoughts on the threadstate?

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Okay, so, in the new version of Trackmania that was recently released thereā€™s a block that if you touch it, everything moves in slow motion, but times still passes as normal. I think thatā€™s actually a fairly good description of the current threadstate.

Anyway, I strongly dislike it, I think the only thing redeeming it is that Wazza is currently the top wagon (albeit by a very small margin). Thing isā€¦ I donā€™t think thereā€™s much we can do about it? Itā€™s like almost everyone just doesnā€™t want to play the game anymore.

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I think itā€™s because the majority of the active players are dead and the rest are people who are lowposters/barely present in the thread.
All we can do is literally wait and discuss ā€“ hence why I pinged everyone.

Reading back on less than 200 posts weā€™ve had in 16 hours I did like Gortaā€™s attempts to give his own independent thoughts and try to solve though:

But thatā€™s nothing new.

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Oh yeah, tell me who you think should be going into the Sphere.

  • an_gorta_pratai
  • Wazza - Not Wazza, since they should be todayā€™s lynch.
  • Zone_Q11 - Not Zone, since they have literally 0 reason to be healed.
  • Centuries - Not Centuries, since theyā€™re probably just dying.
  • clonedcheese
  • Emilia
  • Anstreim - Not you, since you could self-resolve tonight.

So that leaves gorta/cloned/Emilia.

Hmmā€¦ I donā€™t think we should add gorta for reasons I probably shouldnā€™t say.

So cloned/Emilia should both be good. I think for Arete it would be better to add Emilia since theyā€™re greenchecked so they can only be a convert?

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