SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

i guess my “PR or wolf” read on Ans wasn’t wrong


spec chat was boring tbh

I am still confused how Arete wasn’t the D3 Lynch.

There were 10 spectators what

thats like half a d3 game thread lol

Is that why you posted in game thread instead?

Also I feel like one of the issues here were that people just… didn’t do anything.
On D4 my push on Wazza was in a pretty bad faith – yet no one questioned my logic behind it.

People knew that we were looking for starting Cult, yet perceived Wazza as a possible convert.
No one even tried to look at how much sense it would make for him to be starting Invoker – the only person to say “I don’t think this push is right, we are ignoring slots like Anstreim” was Centuries – but even he didn’t try to make a countercase/suggest another target.
And then when suspicion on Jane arose, I was able to push it with the same 3 arguments: “Jane wouldn’t engage in that nonsensical push”/“I liked their D1/D2”/“They cannot be a convert”.

Just… Not a single person tried to think – is the push unfakeable?
I’m not trying to bash people, but town really didn’t… try to take control this game.

D4 was pretty much wasted. Most of the posting there was from 3 scum – there was no cohesion whatsoever.


Anyway uh

Unknown Traveler was Intensify

highway was Geyde



It was a post meant for spec chat :^)

Whoever is Eighty – I love them.
It was a genuine pleasure to play with them to be honest even if we had to kill them off afterwards.


I mean I knew it was them from D2.
They were really obvious.

yeah what a fucking nerd am i right


Hello Eighty!

I mean Traveler was blatantly town and Intensify is easy to read as town once you know what to look for.

About that: CRich, I still think you should’ve sacrificed yourself.

In hindsight you’re probably correct.

for the record anyone who didnt know i was katze is a dummy when i accidentally posted in thread blatantly writing in the exact same way i was writing


why am i awake

Thats a Rip.


Eighty was kat

Brb framing this and putting it on my fridge

If you are a nerd then you are a cute one.
You were one of the very few people who actually put effort into solving and back when I was still town, I tried to cooperate with you as much as I could.

Also not a single person tried to question why you were killed off when there was suspicion on your slot.