SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Yes it’s a strong alt

even if it breadcrumbs cult members


We were debating if anyone would notice it.
No one did.

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So I was right?

God dammit. My plan for the night was to send you and Jane into each other if none of you two were lynched, fuckin’ hell.

But Amelia, clearly PK was killed by the Darkstalker I love that you actually incorporated Corax into the flavor.

That’s why we had to get you out – you were the last mechanical hazard for us.


My plan there was if Emila was real their target would survive.
If they were fake, their target would die and if they claim “roleblocked” I can call them and lair and eliminate them.

straight up

Magnus was the weirdest night kill that you could ahve actually done there tbh.

This is towards pkr

That plan wouldn’t have worked because if you weren’t lynched we could demon you instead.

he tried to frame the game as a frostweaver game which

eh, i respect the play

It wasn’t a nightkill.
I think he was cursed and killed via day ability while PKR attacked me N2 to play into illusion of Frostweaver.
But I was healed by several people.

He tried to falsify a frostweaver game

i kind of talked myself out of locktowning wazza and instead only TRing him but he said some super blatant town shit

that lynch was atrocious but i stopped following by then

Ahh yeah that makes sense

but lol, still

kill people who are actually pushing thread state

Although the bleed on anstreim was fake so :^)


The lynch on Wazza was my first time ever pushing agenda :^)

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I was honestly confused with that lynch as well.

prob why i was killed

i blame an undisclosed thing for my WiM dropping :^)

My opinion is that I have no opinion


I got it into reworked Apostle :^)