SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!


would you have ever guessed i was 82nd

i want to believe i fooled chloe

im waiting for her to wake up

Oh, I found it. Doesn’t appear in unread though.

Why 82nd instead of 83rd? Or 84th?

In forum games. Hasnt been talked in like 23 hours

Probably not.

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i was gonna try to talk in sabaton lyrics on D1 but realized it was

  1. too restricting
  2. too obvious
ily katze

No they literally slipped with a post that read like something “I can’t do thing X like I did in Dreaming Gods” but they were extremely obvious even aside from that.
Also I’m too lazy to help with ToL

some of my fake reads were inspired by you

Which ones? :eyes:

How am I not in the convert pool even when I am one of the few people alive?


i dont remember specifically which ones but i know i was thinking “how would vulgard read this” at least once

I was also obvious town

Could people give me a chance and convert me in these games?

Katze, missed opportunity to have your postcount end with a “82” every day phase.

D1 82
D2 182
D3 282

And so on.


Don’t be afraid to convert me as unseen/cult every once in a while