SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

cant add self

I post ~50 times per day and still get nightkilled as V before D4.
I donā€™t think itā€™s gamethrowy as long as you have actual content.

NGL if scum didnt hammer I was about to go boom boom on people for their bad faoth push

maybe bot scum
but someone at least

Also, my meta has shifted from writing walls to barely ever writing any and I think itā€™s for the better.

youā€™re also a good player so its okay

We were waiting for that hammer opportunity for a while Cent.

I barely read walls, I just skim and go ā€œthis is v/wā€ if I can get a read off of that.


like 1pm hammer time is annoying for eu players :^)

Hot take: walls bad because they are high-effort posts regardless of alignment and asking someone for a wall is giving a wolf time to prepare.

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The only reason it didnā€™t happen earlier was because I was asleep.
Yes I woke up at 1 PM

Also can people stop saying anti-town Seth is his town meta? Like yes it kind of is, but heā€™s good enough to recognize this and abuse it when scum to get away with ridiculous bs. Not saying we shouldā€™ve killed him or not but yeah

this is why i just post a wall in thirty fragmented posts

Anti-town Seth isnā€™t his town meta. His town meta is to be tunnely, yell at people, and push them for dumbass reasons sometimes. Which doesnā€™t mean heā€™s pushing town on purpose.
As scum he barely pushes anyone ever and just kinda exists.

Sad thing is, as much as we try to not slip
It can happen regardless. All we can do is trying our best not to.

dare i say it

ā€œEmilia pushed my fealty target, therefore she openwolvedā€


Several players here play like this as town and I wouldnā€™t say they are anti-town. They are not trying to be -EV and they can be right.

i was going to make a dybu dabu joke actually

Caught scum

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